5. mollusca.
6. subsecunda.
N. laricinum, subsecundum.
7. cymbifolia.
Some o f these, however, appear to be ill-defined and unnecessary.
S chimper, in the new edition o f his ‘ Synopsis,’ adopts this
arrangement, but alters rigida to mollia, and unites mollusca to
subsecunda. Klin ggraff also in his paper has the same six groups.
C L A V I S T O T H E S P E C I E S H E R E D E S C R IB E D .
S P H A G N U M .
Sect. I.— E usphagnum, Lindb.
Branches dimorphous, part divergent, part pendent
leaves with spiral fibres. Capsule oblong, small-mouthed.
A . Cymbifolia. Cuticular cells fibrillose. Branch leaves cymbiform
concave, the apex cucullate, squamoso-scabrous at
Branch leaves with the lateral wall o f the combined
hyaline and chlorophyllose cells covered with papillae.
Branch leaves minutely fringed all round the margin.
Branch leaves not fringed.
Chlorophyllose cells trigonous, emerging on the concave
surface o f leaf. Papillae transverse, in a
single series. A u s tin i.
Chlorophyllose cells lenticular, entirely enclosed by
the hyaline. Papillae wart-like, numerous, scattered.
Branch leaves with the lateral wall o f the combined hyaline
and chlorophyllose cells smooth. cymbifolium.
B. Subsecunda. Branch leaves more or less secund, ovate,
with rounded toothed points ; the margin involute in
the upper half.
Retort cells o f branches large, curved outward at apex.
Hyaline cells o f branch leaves large. tenellum.
Retort cells o f branches small, cylindric. Hyaline cells of
branch leaves small.
Cuticular cells o f stem in a single layer, subsecundum.
Cuticular cells o f stem in 2-3 layers. laricinum.
C. Trúncala. Branch leaves oblong, the point truncate,
strongly toothed, margin involute for all its length.
Stem leaves v e ry small, tongue-shaped ; branch leaves
ovate-oblong, toothed at apex. rigidum.
Stem leaves truncate, many-toothed ; branch leaves
broadly ovate, acuminate, with 6 -10 teeth.O
A ngstromii.
Stem leaves v e ry large, ovato-lanceolate, 3-toothed;
branch leaves ovate-oblong, 3-5 toothed. molle.