attenuated suddenly into a narrow minutely-toothed point, free
from fibres.
S y n o n .— Sph. acutifolhim var. 8. Itiridum, H u e b e n . Muse. Germ. p. 28. B r a i t h w .
Sphag. Brit. Exsic. n. 40.
H a b .—Deep peat-bogs.
E u r o p e .— Barmbeck, near Hamburg (Huebener). Ben Lawers, Perthshire (Braithwaite)
; Darnholm, Goathland, Yorkshire (Rev. Mr. Crouch) ; Witherslack Moss
jBarnes) ; near Llanberis (Boswell).
I have referred this plant to Huebener’s variety, as it closely
accords with his description. T h e plants have a dirty brownish
tinge, and their closely placed fascicles with the branches o f equal
length give it rather a peculiar appearance, not usual in any forms
o f Sph. acutifolium.
Var. ju. late-virens, B r a i t h w .
Growing in small dense tufts, bright green above, light or
ochraceous brown below. Stem leaves ovate, short, or e lo n g a ted ;
the apex obtuse, obscurely 5-toothed; the cells without fibres.
Branches in rather remote fascicles, elongated, ascending and
d iv e rg en t; the leaves loosely imbricated, large, broadly ovate at
base, suddenly narrowed into a longish, truncate, 5-toothed point.
H a b .— B y th e m a r g in o f m o o r la n d s t r e am s .
At Darnholm and Kazebeck, Goathland, Yorkshire (Braithwaite). Reawick,
Shetland (Sim).
T h is may possibly be a form o f the next variety, but as I have
no authentic types o f the latter it may for the present stand apart.
T h e small dense cushions, o f a beautiful bright green colour while
growing, are v e ry unusual in this species, from which some shade
o f red is hardly ever absent. A t Darnholm it grows with
Sph. molle, /8, and thus got accidentally introduced into the
Sphag. B r it. Exsic. with that p la n t ; at Ka zeb eck it is found
intermixed with Sph. cymbifolium var. congestum.
Var. V. patulum, Schimp.
Plants more robust, pale green. Branches lax, elongated,
flexuose, spreading ; their leaves longer, patent, la x ly incumbent,
broadly ovate, loosely areolate. Stem leaves large, the apex
obtuse, lacerate, or fimbriate.
S y n o n .— Sph. acutifolium var. t,. patulum, S c h im p . Synops. p. 674, et e d . 2 ,
p. 826. B r a i t h w . Sphag. Brit. Exsic. n. 41.
H a b .— Among grass, b y the shady sides of streams.
England: Darnholm, Goathland, Yorkshire (Braithwaite); about Ulverston,
Lancashire (Miss Hodgson); Barbon Fell, Westmoreland (Barnes); Penzance,
Cornwall (Curnow).
W h a t I assume to be tliis variety grows in loose tufts, having
large flexuose branches, and large somewhat divergent leaves with
a slight gloss.
15. Sphagnum Wulfii, G ir g e n s o h n .
Pl. x x i i .
Monoicous; robust, more or less rufescent, the stem with two
layers o f cuticular cells. Stem leaves small, dilated at base,
lingulate, rather acute, without fibres or pores. Branches 7 -12 in
a fascicle, their leaves ovato-lanceolate, erecto-patent, with three
minute te e th ; chlorophyllose cells central, oval or rectangular in
S y n o n .— Wulfianum, G ir g e n s . Archiv für Naturkunde Liv-, Est- und
Kurlands, ser. 2, band ii. p. 173 (i860). Bot. Zeit. 1862, p. 247. Russow, Beitr.
zur Kennt. Torfm. p. 66 (1864). M i l d e , Bry. Siles. p. 385 (1869). A u s t i n , Muse.
Appal. n. 32 (1870). B r a i t h w . in Monthl. Micr. Journ. Oct. 1874, p. 169, t. 77.
S u l l i v . Icon. Muse. Suppl. p. 18, t. 9 (1875). S c h im p . Synops. ed. 2, p. 838 (1876).
Sph. pycnocladtmi, A n g s t r ö m , in Öfv. Vet. Ak. Förh. xxi. p. 202 ( i864). R a b e n h .
Bryoth. Eur. fsc. xv. n. 709 (1864). S c h l i e p h a c k e , in Verh. Z. B. Gesel. Wien,
1865, p. 392.
Monoicous ; robust, yellowish or brownish green, or sometimes
deep green, in loosely cohering tufts.
Stems 5 -12 in. high, simple or sometimes divided, blackish
brown, solid, densely ramulose ; cells o f the peripheral zone purple,
in 5 -6 layers, strongly incrassate; cuticular cells in two strata,
small, non-porose. Stem leaves small, from a broad base, lingulate-
triangular, reflexed, rather acute, eroso-subdenticulate at apex ; the
hyaline cells repeatedly divided, without fibres or pores, those in
the middle rhomboidal, becoming narrower towards the margin,
where they form a border o f 3-6 rows.
Ramuli 7 -12 in a fascicle, 3-5 divergent, short, slightly arched,
becoming clavate upward and then suddenly pointed; the rest
deflexed and closely appressed to stem, ve ry long, slender and
filiform, lax-leaved, often o f a pale rose colour; the porose cuticular
cells short and scarcely differing from the rest. Branches
of the coma short, thick, and numerous, forming a large dense