inculcated, which, to that country in particular, may be confi-
dered as a great misfortune. For, independent o f . religious
confiderations, the fabbatical inftitution is attended with advantages
o f a phy-fical as well as o f a moral nature; and humanity
is not lefs concerned than policy in confecrating one day out o f
feven, or fome other given number, to the fervice o f the great
Creator, and to reft from bodily labour. When the government
o f France, in the height o f her rage for innovation, fell into
the hands o f atheiftical demagogues, when her temples were
polluted and every thing facred was invaded and profaned, the
feventh day was confidered as a relic o f ancient fuperftition and
the obfervance - o f it accordingly aboliihed; and, about the
fame time, it became the faihion among a certain defcription
o f people to ufe fpecious arguments againft its continuance
in our own country; as being, for example, a day for the
encouragement o f idlenefs, drunkennefs, and diffipation.
Such a remark could only be applied to large cities and towns ;
and- in crowded manufacturing towns the mechanic, who can
fubfift by working three days in the week, would be at no lofs
in finding opportunities, were there no fabbath day, in the courfe
o f the other four to commit irregularities. And who, even for
the fake o f the mechanic and artificer, would wilh to fee the
labouring peafant deprived o f one day’s reft, out o f feven, which
to him is more precious than the wages he has hardly earned
the other fix ? What man, poffeffed o f common feelings o f
humanity, in beholding the decent and modeft huibandman,
accompanied by his family in their beft attire attending the
pariffi-church, does not participate in the fmile o f content
which on this day particularly beams on his countenance,
and befpeaks the ferenity o f his mind ? Having on this day dif-
charged his duty to God, refrefhed his body with reft, enjoyed
the comfort o f clean clothing, and exercifed his mind in con-
verfing with his neighbours, he returns with double vigour to
his daily labour; having, as Mr. Addifon obferves in one o f
his Spectators, rubbed o ff the ruft o f the week.
The firft o f the new year in China, and a few fucceeding
days, are the only holidays, properly fpeaking, that are obferved
by the working part o f the community. On thefe days the
pooreft peafant makes a point o f procuring new clothing for
himfelf and his fam ily ; they pay their vifits to friends and
relations, interchange civilities and compliments, make and receive
prefents ; and the officers o f government and the higher
ranks give feafts and entertainments. But even in thofe feafts there
is nothing that bears the refemblance o f conviviality. The
guefts never partake together o f the fame fervice o f diffies, but
each has frequently his feparate table; fometimes two, but never
more than four, fit at the fame table; and their eyes muft con-
ftantly be kept upon the mafter o f the feaft, to watch all his
motions, and to obferve every morfel he puts into his mouth,
and every time he lifts the cup to his lips; for a Chinefe o f good-
breeding can neither eat nor drink without a particular ceremony,
to which the guefts muft pay attention. I f a perfon invited
ihould, from ficknefs or any accident, be prevented from
fulfilling his engagement, the portion o f the dinner that was intended
to be placed on his table is fent in proceffion to his own
houfe; a cuftom that ftrongly points out the very little notion
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