‘Tchiett-Lung refigned the throne o f China to his fifteenth fon,
the prefent Kia-king, in February 1796, having completed a
reign o f fixty y ea rs ; and he died in the month o f February
r 799» at the advanced age o f eighty-nine years.
When the Tartars conquered China, they found all the great
officers o f ftate filled by eunuchs, and the palace fwarmed with
thefe creatures; the greater part was immediately difplaced,
and other Chinefe o f talent and education were put into their
places. Having, however, adopted the laws and cuftoms o f
the conquered, it became neceffary to keep up the ufual efta-
bliihment o f women in the palace, the inevitable confequence
o f which was the retention o f a certain number o f eunuchs to
look after them. And they are at this moment as numerous,
perhaps, in all the palaces, as they were at the conqueft, but
none o f them are dignified with any office o f truft or importance
in the ftate. T h e y confider themfelves, however, as elevated
far above the plebeian rank ; and a bunch o f keys or a
birch broom gives them all the airs and infolence o f office.
O f thefe eunuchs there are two kinds. T h e one is fo far
emafculated as never to have the confolation o f being a father j
the other muft fubmit to lofe every trace o f manhood. The
firft are entrufted with the infpettion and fuperintendance o f
the buildings, gardens, and other works belonging to the imperial
palaces, which they are required to keep in order. The
Ra/ibtts, as the miffionaries call them, are admitted into the interior
o f the palace. Thefe creatures paint their faces, ftudy
their drefe, and are as coquettiih as the ladies, upon whom indeed
it is their chief bufinefs to attend. The greateft favourite
fleeps in the fame room with the Emperor, to be ready to ad-
minifter to his wilhes ; and in this capacity he finds number-
lefs opportunities to prejudice his matter againft thofe for whom
he may have conceived a dillike; and inftances are not wanting
where the firft officers in the ftate have been difgraced by means
o f thefe creatures.
T h e y are equally > detefted and feared by the princes o f the
blood who refide in the palace, by the court officers, and b y
the miffionaries in the employ o f government. T h e latter find
it neceflary to make frequent, and fometimes expenfive, pre-
fents to thofe in particular about the perfon o f Ms Imperial Ma-
jefty. Should any o f thefe gentlemen happen to carry about
with him a watch, fnuffi-box, or other trinket, which the
eunuch condeicends to admire, there is no alternative; the mif-
fionary takes the hint, and begs his acceptance o f it, knowing
very well that the only way to preferve his friendihip is to
fhare with him his property. An omiffion o f this piece o f civility
has been produdtive o f great injury to the European.
T he gentleman who regulates and keeps in order the feveral
pieces o f clock-work in the palace aflured me, that the old
eunuch, who was entrufted with the keys o f the rooms, ufed
to go in by night and purpofely derange and break the machinery,
that he might be put to the trouble and expence o f
repairing it. This happened to* him fo often that, at length,
he became acquainted with the fecret o f applying the proper
preventive, which although expenfive was ftilllefs vexatious than