O f fruits we noticed a variety o f figs, and three fpecies of
mulberries; peaches and almonds; the Annona or cuftard-
apple; the Eugenia Jambos, or rofe-apple; the much-efteemed
Lee-tchee or Sapindus-eclulis; and the Kalreuteria, another fpecies
o f the fame genus; the Averhoa Carambola, an excellent
fruit for tarts ; and the Qu-long-Jbao, the Sterculia platanifolia.
Befides thefe were abundance o f oranges and bananas.
As vegetables for the table, was a great variety o f beans and
calavances, among which was the Dolicbos Soja or foy plant,,
and the polyjlachios, with its large clutters o f beautiful fcarlet
flowers; the Gytifus Cajan, whofe feed yields the famous bean-
milk, which it is the cuftom o f the Emperor to offer to Em-
baffadors on their prefentation; large mild radiihes, onions,
garlick, Capficum or Cayenne-pepper; convolvulus batatas, or
fweet potatoes; two fpecies o f tobacco; Amomum, or ginger, in
great quantities, the root o f which they preferve in fy ru p ;
Sinapis, or muftard, and the brajjica orient alls, from which an oil
is expreffed for the table.
O f plants that were ufeful in the arts, we obferved the Rhus
Vernix, or varnifh-tree, and two other fpecies o f the fame genus;
Curcuma, or t ur meric ; Cartbamus ufed as a dye, and the polygonum
Cbinenfe for the lame purpofe; the Rhapis jlabdliformis, the
dried leaves o f which are ufed for fans among the common
people, and particularly by thofe who live in veffels; Cor-
cborus whofe bark, in India, is ufed as fla x ; but not, I believe,
to any extent in China, the white nettle being here preferred.
The only medicinal plants were the Rheum palmatum, Artemifia,
and the Smilax or China root.
T o make our entre into Canton the more fplendid, a number
o f fuperb barges were fent to meet us, carrying flags and
ftreamers and umbrellas and other infignia o f office; and in forne
were bands o f mufic. About the middle.of the day we arrived
before the faitories, which conftitute a line o f buildings in the
European ftyle, extending along the left bank of, the river,
where the Embaffador was received by the Song-too, or Viceroy,
the Governor, the Ho-poo, or collector o f the cuftoms, and
all the principal officers o f the government. From hence we
were condufled to the oppofite fide o f the river, where a temporary
building o f poles, and mats had been prepared for the
occafion ; within which was a fcreen o f yellow.filk bearing the
name o f the Emperor in gilt characters. Before this fcreeji
the Viceroy and other officers performed the ufual proftrations,
in token o f gratitude to his imperial Majefty, for his having
vouchfafed us a profperous journey.
It is but doing juftice to the Chinefe government and to the
individuals in its employ who had any concern in the affairs o f
the embaffy, to obferve, that as far as regarded ourfelves, their
conduit was uniformly marked by liberality, attention, and an
earneft defire to pleafe. Nor is there any vanity in faying thait,
after obferving us clofely in the courfe o f a long journey and
daily intercourfe, the officers o f government gradually difmiffed
the prejudices imbibed againft us, as foreigners, from their earliefl:
youth. Gained by our frank and open manners, arid by little
attentions, they feemed to fly with pleafure to our fociety as a
4 it 2 relief