J 5° T R A V E L S IN CHI N A .
the greatefl: violations o f the laws o f nature, ©ught to be confi-
dcrcd among the finit o f moral prunes— a connexion that finks
the man many degrees below the brute. T he csmtniffion o f
this dpteftahle and unnatural apt is attended with fo Jittle
fenfe o f ihame, or feelings .of delicacy, that many o f the firft
officers o f fl-ate fepmed to make no hefitation in publicly avowing
it. Each o f tbefe officers is conftantly attended by his
pipe-bearer, who is generally a handfome hoy from fourteen to
eighteen years o f age, and is always well drelfed. In pointing
out to our notice the boys o f each other, they made ufe o f figns
and motions, the meaning o f which was too obvious to bemif-
interpreted. The two Mahomedans, I obferve, who were in
China in the ninth century, have alfo taken notice o f this cir-
cumftance : and I find in the journal o f Mr. Hittner, a gentleman
who was in that part p f the fuite who accompanied the Bri-
tiih Emhaffador intoTartary, in fpeaking ofthe palaces o fG e lio j,
the following remark : “ Dans l’un de ces palais, parmi d’aütres,
“ chefs-d’oeuvres de l’art, on voyait deux ilatues de garçons, en
“ marbre, d’un excellent travail, ils avaient les pieds et les
“ mains liés, et leur ppfitipn ne laiffait point de doute que le
“ vice des Grecs n’eût perdu ion horreur pour les Chinois, Un
“ vieil eunuque nous les fit remarquer avec un fourire impu-
« dent.”
It has been remarked that this unnatural crime prevails moft
in thole countries where polygamy is allowed, that is to fay, in
thofe coiintries where the affeXions o f women are not con-
fulted, hut their perfons pur,chafed for gold-—a remark which
may lead to this conclufion, that it is rather a moral turpitude
t r a v e l s i n c h i n a . i SI
than a propenfity arifing from phyfical or local caufes. T he
appetite for female intercourfe foon becomes glutted b y the facility
o f enjoyment; and where women, fo circumftanced, can
only receive the embraces o f their proprietors from a fenfe o f
duty, their coldnefs and indifference, the neceffary confequence
o f fuch connexions, muft alfo increafe in the men the tendency
to produce fatiety. I think it has been obferved that, even in
Europe, where females in general have the fuperior advantage
o f fixing their own value upon themfelves, it is the greateft
rakes and debauchees, who,
<* — — bred at home in idlenefs and riot,
u Ranfack for miftrefles th’ unwholefome ftews,
<c A n d never know the worth o f virtuous lbve.,r
fly fometimes in fearch o f freih enjoyment in the deteftable way
here alluded to *.
I have already obferved' that the ftate o f dbffleftie fociety in
China was ill calculated' to promote the affection and kindnefs
which children not only owe to, but really feel for, their parents
hi many countries o f Europe. A tyrant, in faX, to command',
and a Have to obey, are found in every fam ily ; for, where
die father is a defpot, the fon will naturally be a Have ; and i f
all the Tittle aXs o f kindnefs and Cleat attentions', that create
* I ihould not have taken notice o f this odious vice, had not the truth o f its exift-
ence in China been doubted b y fonie,. and attributed by others to a wrong caufe.
Ptofeflihg to deicribe the1 people' as I found-1 them, I; muft endeavour to draw a faith*
ful pi6ture> neither attempting t© palliate their vices, nor to exaggerate their