terity, as an event that had tarniihed the luftre o f his reign, being
nothing ihort o f breaking through an ancient cuftotp, and
adopting one o f a barbarous nation in its place. Deodato
thought even that its ill efieits might extend to them, as Europeans,
and might injure the caufe which was the firft objedt o f
their miffion.
I found it in vain to put into good humour that day either
the officers o f government, or the eunuchs, or even the - mif-
iionaries ; and our table was very materially affedted by it, both
in the number and the quality o f d i f l i e s - a criterion from
which, more than any other,'a judgment may be formed o f
the ftate o f mind in which a Chinefe happens to be. Something
o f the, fame kind, it feems," occurred at Gehol. From
the time the EmbaiTador began to make conditions, his’ table
was abridged, under an idea that he might be ftarved into an
unconditional compliance. Finding this experiment fail, they
had recourfe to a different conduct, and became all kindnefs and
The ill-humour occafioned by the news from Gehol gradually
wore off, but I obferved that the princes who had hitherto
been daily viiitors now kept entirely aw a y ; and the old eunuch,
when put out o f his way, ufed to apply to us the epithet o f
proud, headftrong Englifhmen.
On the 26th the Embaffador (during whofe ffay at Gehol
in Tartary an account o f all that paffed there is given in Sir
George Staunton’s book) returned to Pekin, when the remainder
mainder o f the prefents were fent to Yuen-min-yuen. A number
o f Tartar princes and great officers o f ftate came to look
at thofe fitted up in the hall o f audience, and feemed extremely
folicitous that the whole fhould be got ready without delay.
Notice was alfo given that, on the 30th the Emperor would
infpeft the prefents. This was the day fixed for his return,
and it was notified to the Embaffador that it was an ufual
compliment for all public officers to meet him on the road, at
the diftance o f ten or twelve miles from the capital. Accordingly,
about four o’clock in the morning o f the 30th, we were
all mounted and arrived at our ground about fix. T he whole
road had been newly made, rolled as level as a bowling-green,
watered to keep down the duft and, on each fide, at the diftance
o f about fifty yards from each other, were fmall triangular
poles erefted, from which were fufpended painted lanterns.
T h e y brought us into a kind o f guard-houfe, where tea and
other refreihments were prepared, after which we took our Ration
on a high bank on the left o f the road. On each fide, as
far as the eye could reach, were feveral tboufands o f the great
officers o f ftate in their habits o f ceremony; Tartar troops in
their holiday dreffes ; ftandard-bearers without number, mili-
tarv mafic, and officers o f the houfehold, lining the two fides
o f the road. T he approach o f the Emperor was announced by
a blaft o f the trumpet, followed by fofter mufic, “ and at that
“ time when all the people heard the found o f the cornet, flutes,
harp, fackbut, pfaltery, and all kinds, o f mufic, then the
“ princes, the governors, and captains, the judges, the trea-
“ furers, the counfellors, the iheriffs, and all the rulers o f the
“ provinces,