When we went on ihore the following morning, we found
the military governor, attended by a civil magiftrate, by whom,
after the ufual compliments, we were addreffed, in a long oration,
delivered apparently with a great deal o f folemnity, the
intention o f which was to convince us that, as it had been the
practice o f the Chinefe, for time iminemorial, to navigate from
port to port, experience had taught them it was the beft.
Finding, however, that his eloquence could not prevail on his
hearers to relinquilh their own opinions on the fubjedt, the
governor and he confulted together for fome time, and at
length refolved that a general mufter Ihould be made o f all the
perfons in that place, who had at any time vifited by fea the
port o f ‘Tien-Jing.
A number o f foldiers were accordingly difpatched, and foon
returned, with a fet o f the moll miferable-looking wretches I
ever beheld; who were thruft into the hall, and dropping on
their knees, were examined in that attitude, as to their qualifications.
Some, it appeared, had been at the port o f Tiert-ftng,
but were no feamen; others followed the profeffion, but had
never been at that port.; and feveral were hauled in, who hdd
never fet a foot on board a veffel o f any defcription whatfoever.
In ihort, the greater part o f the day was confumed to no pur-
p ofe ; and-we were about to conclude that we had a great
chance o f leaving the central and much-frequented harbour o f
Cbu-ian, without being able to procure a fingle pilot, when
two men were brought in, who feemed to anfwer the purpofe
better than any which had yet been examined. It appeared,
however, that they had quitted the fea for many years, and
béing comfortably fettled in trade, had no defire to engage in
the prefent fervice ; on the contrary, they begged on their
knees that they might he excufed from fttch an undertaking.
Their fupplications were o f no avail. T hé Emperor’s orders
mull be obeyed. In vain did they plead the ruin o f their
bufinefs by their abfence, and the diftrefs it would occafion to
their wives, their children, and their families. The Governor
was inexorable; and they were ordered to be ready to embark
in the courfe o f an hour.
This arbitrary proceeding o f the Governor conveyed no very
exalted ideas o f the juftice or moderation o f the government,
or o f the protection it afforded to the fubjedh T o drag away
from his family an honeft and induftrious citizen, fettled in
trade, and to force him into a fervice that mult be ruinous to
his concerns, was an a£t o f injuflice and violence that could
not be tolerated in any other than a defpotic government,
where the fubjedf knows no laws but the will o f the tyrant.
But we are yet on a diflant ifland o f the Great Empire, remote
from the fountain o f authority ; and delegated power, in all
countries, is but too liable to be abufed. Befides, a Chinefe
might be impreffed with fentiments equally unfavourable o f our
government, were he informed o f the manner in which imperious
neceffity ibmetlmes requires pur navy to be manned.
One confederation, however, might with fafety be drawn
from the occurrences o f this day, which was this, that long
voyages are never undertaken where they can be avoided ; but
that the commerce o f the Yellow Sea is carried on from
12 port