The Ocellated Turkey (Meleagris oculatd) inhabits Honduras, and
may be distinguished from the .eoihmon- species, by its.smaller size,
more brilliant plumage,, and principally hy.having ocellated spots on
the tail. It was first described by Cucvier,.and has lately.been figured
in that magnificent periodical work,, the. ^ Planches Colorieeg” of
Temminck and. Laugier. beautiful specimen has long been exhi.
bited in the Charleston Museum.
Mr.^'aT^ so welMmown41)y his philological researches, has favoured us with
the following tablet of names fo'R.the Wild Turkey, in. tfye different Indian languages.
E. English' Pronunciation.—F.^Ffencb.—S.' Spanish.—G. German.
Algonkin Mississay, E. .• Mackenzie.
Adayes’ . ' ' . On aehuk, v ; O • ' . MS.
Atacapas . . . Skillig,'S. ' MS. Y&h* -,.'1 I f l f ö Ä . Difi Sfpfe-'.'
Chetimachas . Tsante S. MS.
Cherokee;.:'. . j. E ainna: ( ■|*M>. Toe..'
Chickäsayvs.; 1M f e |E . MS- Voc.,
Choctaws . . . ^Rratiii, E. MS. Wo?,':'.,'.
Creeks; '’l : Pinewau, E:, . , ‘MN
Delaware proper ‘1 jTscBtkenifcd^ Cy. . . Heckewelder änd‘ Zeisherger.
Delaware of NewvJersey . : - TshikuXma, E. ms. voc.
D< I.iwari' oh N< w-Mn dm Sickeneni'(Swedhk)- K'EdtQqbp: Catechism.i,
* . ; O^detgn&k, F. . , Peie Sagard.
t \ y mdot (same,nejiplr), _.j;’v, Daighrton-tah, E. ijAttv^&eyin Archasol. Am®.
Illinois ^Ptteouah, F. . , M&^qV ? '
Knisteneaux . Mes-sey-thew, E. Markt nz iV:
Miamis . ' Elaudh.. . . . Ä , '
Nenticoke PahqTm^E., . MS. Vte, •
Nottoway* . . Eunum, E;- , . 5, .MSi ipffevv
Omawhaw (a-hjanch of Siou:&Ze-ze-kahJ E. . Say.
Onondagos- (B^quoL) sIB&hröchwa gatschinak, G> Zeisberger’s Dictionary, MS.
rcock .
Osage •<
Sukah tihgah-, E. MS. Vac-.
li tfigBraff ^ * *' v inchugai SuKäE, 12 .
Ottog or Wahtoktatah (Sious:) Wa-ek-kung-ja, E. .
ShaWanese Heckewelder.
Witch-pshah, E. -
Unquachog (Long Island) Nahiam E. MS. i f e ;
* Indians of, Virginia, a branch of the Tuscaroras.
1 t UcJteesf a nation of Floridian Indians, speaking, a c|p||>uSs language, full of particular
’Strands, not found m any other languages; they live among the’ Greeks.
END Dl BHfl—