in the ordinary dress. The well marked patch on the breast might
induce the belief that this individual is an adult female, and that this
sex, as several writers have erroneously remarked, is destitute of the
red crown; but, in addition to.the fact that our specimen proved, on
dissection, to be a male, we obtained, almost every day during the
month of November, young birds of. both sexes, with the crown cm
tirely red, or more or less sprinkled with that- colour, the intermixture
arising altogether fromage or advanced plu m age, and not from sex;
We are unable to. state, with any degree of certainty, at what period
the bird assumes the plumage now represented.; and we rather incline
to thé" öpïrfioüThat it* is Un accidental'vàrîety; *
For the purpose of comparison, we have added, ©ns|||||same plate,
the .most, interesting portion of a ,young bird, as it usually appears in
November ofethe first year; and though;jhe.sexgs are then.alike in
plumage, we had the figure taken from a young;.njaIe, in order to
complété thé Iconography of that sex. ‘ ’
Yieillpt’s ^figure represents the young before the first moult, when,
like our anomalous specimen, they hâve no red on the crown;
differing, however, in.not having the head of a glossy black,$.bul
of a dull yellowish-gray, and the patch on the^breast also of a dull
gray tint.
'16 '«Plate* VIII. Fig.
' • Columba fasdata. Sa^W Long’S Expedition fa the Rooky Momtàins, H,
- Philadelphia- Museum, <No/ 4938. >
This bird, which' is whsȤiho^ii^|My'f by Mr. Titian Peale,
at à "sainte spring onTà small t'Mbtóary'of-the rivé# PlattèywSthin thé
-firèt' range bi§iHfe/lfebkÿ-‘ Mountains; it was accompanied by another
individual, probably illîllÉâfel^whiewts^^^&^r’A^rfo- other specimens
M w lfet-'i^îr^Ve^cd^the ^surprised fhat'our
»^^^(^lescriptionf iV1^m^ee|*S^)anifed. byfl|^|^B^l|^isto^ of théir
IjljPfe Band-tailedf- Pigdö1$is thirteè<É-^ö^^,'|fflfg ; the bill, i^ÿellow,
black at tip, and somewhat gibbous behind thé- nókttósv The féét
ar^ydïl'd'Wj and the n a i l s t h e bides tire blackish. The head
is of a purplish-cinéreouV cblpur; the heck, ||||É ê£' junction with the
head, has a white semi-band^ beneath Which its' BtfôM and sides are
brilliant golden-green, the being brownish-purple at base;
the under part of the neck is pale ^ad#ötfs*purplish, this colour
becoming paler as it ^nnToa'ofie'Sv' the vent, whii^tögèther with the
inferior tail coverts, is white. Tlfè' anterior portiofi of the back, tbje|
wing i^^S^ÿand sc dpidax are brownish-ash ; the primaries are
dark brown, edged with whitish .on.'^Efe'ekleridr %êb*sMe’lower part
of the back, the rujuf»,' talk oôVe'rts,, inferior wtûg coverts, and sides,
are bluish-ash, bHgpfei6 MÈeaih the wingâ. The shafts of‘the; body
feathers and tail coverfs-fare remarkably robust, tapering rather suddenly
near the. tip. The tail, which consists of tweïvë feathers,
von. i.—u