Plate YU I. Fig. 1-* S$8(|
• Sf’e.Wjçiîâo&s American Ornithology. I. p. 147, PI. 8j|||*f%for the adult, and history.
Pim» varias, Linn. Syst.l, p. 17% Spf20v, Gmul, ;%st.,]|sp,438sSpf ^0. , Lath. Ind.
1 2L. Vibili. II, pjfi^ph 118, adult nude; PI- U%
Pious varius carolinensis, Briss. Sp. Wj p. 6^S,p|S'4. ' f
Pirns varius minor,' ventre luteo, the^YeHoui-oellied Woôapéeker', Catesbt, CaroUni^t^I,
PI. 21, le ft‘figure, adult male. Bartr. T9av.h]f, 2!9>1.
Epeiche ou Pie varié de la Caroline, Burr.1 Ois^yili'pk 77. . PI. Enl. 785,,adult male.
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker, Penn; Jlrcl.. Znfi/.|.SplB|.A|>;TJ*TTT. '%% I, p.,574, Sp. 2Q* .
Philadelphia Museum, Nfo", 20(14', adult Male f iv^W^^adulr Female.
My Collection,.,young and variety,.
As Wilson’s history, of this wellgKroown! Woodpecker is copiplete,
and his descriptioiidhvioijsféihscriminates the sexes and young, We
shall refer the readér entirely to humfoij information on those points.
The present bird, is introduced on account of IftfflççKEuqus plumage;
for, althoUglffiGe colqur'ûf the held, is but slightly advanced towards,
its îfl;â tint, having only tw p o r three reddish points visible on the
forehead, yet thef patch on the breàsf^ ^tnïe as obvious.as it is found
in the adult state. Mtyoung birasjofy^pfei %'st, and 'éeeondi'yëars, this
patch is usually obsô^feAhe b re |stî||in g chi^Rÿisky-gray, although
the crown isj entirely red|; ,
YFl^specimen b efor&Us|| exhibiting one of the periodical
sta|és of plumage of thafrnangeablc bird, is the only one we have been
able tofnlpfcure, amongst à great number!«, the young of both sexes