-V; i* T , ;
, Plate VILUTig. di..
Hirundo fulm, Veqili.. Qis. dg J^iAr^tSe^t. I, ;pijS3,,i Pt: 62||j k,Sj^cjgiiEN8, (Jpnt. of Shaw's
gta %ool‘. X, Part I; p, 12.6^; DEwiTTJCf,M™V, Ann. Lyceum tyaf. Hist. N. Y. .1, p. 156.
Hirundo lunifrom, Say, in Long's Expedition to the Rocky Mountains. H, p. 47.,
Philadelphia Museum, Ncftiiif24,
With1.the«exception of a ^ iy ^ ip p e ife e t! description* little was
.known relative to this' interesting birda ahterior to Long’s expedition
.to the Rocky Mountains.«•.< Orie.jofi theio^oteg? annexed to the account
of that! joutney ^contains an excellent.jdescripti6niS©f .1ihjs,;.Swallow»
with a noticesof its habits,.and remarkable manner of.building. Mr.
Dewitt Clinton has recently published a,paper op..the same subject,
accompanied hyii&jamn observatipnsi.from Mr^ Addqjbqm-'., Combining
what these gentlemen havrfmade known,with,the information previously
given BjjJYieillot and Say, we-can pres,ent-v4 tolerably complete
history of the Cliff Swallow.- -
- Some:doubts having been entertained whether the JHimndo lunifrom
of :the Rocky Mountains, be» the Same species, as the Hirundo> fulva
of the westerns' part b f ilf.ew-York, I was* desirous of deciding the
question by comparing the specimens; this I accomplished,.through
the politenilfs of Dr. Decay of New-York, who,, witfe the kindness
and liberality distinctive ..of those who;,.eultiv.ate science for its, own
sake, sent-me the specimen and nesfc.deposited by Mr. Clinton in
the cabinet.oil;the■ Lyceprh,: "Thus being possessed of the individuals
in question, we are, enabled- to place theiiCf specific identity beyond the
reach of ..future uncertainty.,
That Say considered his Hirundo lunifrom a new bird, is entirely