Sro ^ranches of trees, and«.CEg®pipg»'much after,the manner of th®
.Titmouse, with frequently downwards, in, pursuit of .larvae
and insects; which cohstitutei&^&Lusi^yi|Mthe food p f this species.
Wilson was impressed-w ith the opinion that thesshapfe. ofi(the bill
would justifvMhe formation of.¥a- »distinct. sub:genus, which wf>M’d
include »this ibird, the Sybrni vermi^drar, .and1 some other species. In
this .^p^oft,Cuvier h ^^ ^S cid ed , by forming hisp^Waenns Dacnisj
-which*iup places und^fep^eitfensive , genus Cassici^^feiarkmg that
they formithe passage to M o ta d lla -<TJhis sub=genu|fcwe shall adopt,
b^twe differ,from ^paeip-by arranging it xtaA^^iyk-itr^-gX will |ftc\i
form the ^asj&ition-to-the more slender-bi ledR o ^ i: ‘S^Lien i m inck
and^ieillot have arranged them also under Sytvia; the la^|^Mlt<'u;?
in the (French) NerwS Dictionary of NaturaWHistpry,« ,giyes them the
jjame of Pitpils, and it; is most probably from waTitgof' ciaminalion,
that’he has not considered the presengjfbird as, belonging Itoathat-