ICTEM^S IC T E R (^ E P ffA L ^ S .,, ,
Plate IH. Fig»® ]p a l^ 2 ,,Female., ».
OrioJ/us Icterocephalus, ■ Lira'. Syst.^ p. 163ifc9to 16. Gmei.. Syst. I, p. 392. Sp. Iff.
IiATHVii?irf. p, 32, Male.
Icterus Icterocephalus, Dai.din, Orn. n , p&987,\.Sp. 9, Male.
Pendulinius Icterocephalus, Visffiui,. NmMv]Jict. d’Bist. Nat. V, pi 317, Male.
Icterus MmharèuS Icterocephalus Cayanensi^ Bmss. Jlv. n , p. 124, Sp. 27, PI. 12
Jjulg. 4pMale.
ÏCómix atra; capite, collo, pectoreque flams, Koelhbotb^ N^o.^ormht He, Sc. Petrop.
v «JÉ, pA4^5, PI. 15, fig. ^Male.
LmCoiffesjauties, B u it . ,0 m* III, dR iso , Male.
■wwouge de Cayenne, Bui#. Pl. Enl. 343, Male. '
Yellow-headed Starlingj Ei>^SARï>8;r Glean. TTT, p. 241, Pl. 323. Male.
p Wow-headed Oriole, Lato. Syn. I, Part' II’ p: 441, Sp* w , Maïe.V
A Philadelphia N o .lfsls, Malei NVjy;,529||Female.f, -,
Although this species fiasblon^ been known to naturalists as an
inhabitant o f South America, and its name introduced into all their
works?,,yet they have^given us' no <fefee$. information Concerning it
than that it is black, with a leUow^head and neck. It was added to
thé Fauna of the United ^ a t e s ;b | th#> ^ed itio n s of1 Major1 Long t&
the Rocky Mountains.; v/i
The female has been , hitherto entirely t unknown, and all' th@t
figures yet given',of* the male beihg extremely‘nnperfect,, from the*
Kcumstance of theiig havings helen dkawn>. from wretchedly stuffed
specimens, w’e* may Safëïylstafe- 'that“ thié së l| also is, for the first;
time, represented with a due dëgre#öf^aecuracy; In our plate. The
figures published by Edwards and Buffon approach the nearest to:
the real magnitude; but they, are mere masses of black, surmounted