i^MUSeiC'ttPJl FORFICJlTJl: ’ *
Plate tw fo
Musdcam forficatm Gmhu.-iSw . LnMjBBl. S i f e j . L ath. Ind. j>.A85jMjmO. Vieilh.
jfhQiSj, SepWjk p; 7 1 .I CWL o / Shaw’s' Zool. XX: p. 413, PI. 3.
Tyrannus forjkatus, Sa\ , in.Fong’s Expedition to the Rocky Mountains, II, p. 224.
^M^mlurgtlea^queue fourcme dy^Mesdque, Burrfmk IV, p.'564.a»»
EmeJnorfche'Jt queue fourchue du Mexique, Btrpr. PI. Enl. 677:
Swallow-tailed Flycatcher, L ath. Syn. II, Part* ijfjf* 3 SjAS0$''
Philadelphia Museumj Mai.
- T his rare, and beautiful bird fa.-1 beMye.- now figured from nature
far&bB|s^Gond time; and, asfehejsnlat%gi^^s||r Buffon conveys but
aw imperfect^ildeafofi<ils. cha^#e^s^theirdnReseiitation accompanying
engisaying^clJAcet^KB^piid^eithe^nipre acceptable rtfbnatu-
ralists. That author had tKe^merit of publish,inatfie first account#!
thiastSfejjeka and the individual he described, wasareceived from?;that
part oLLpMsia®^WhicM^fflnersiQiS Mcxicov ISTeither Latham, Grn'e-'
Iin^nor»^iftSll!6t. sctflm fy haveJi&fli an®npprtunfty of examiningithSl
bird, EpetHey havedfidently drawn on Bufifon for what thcwhavc said
relative to it. Hence m |ej|ji,ehrs,^that; the Swallow-tailed Flycatcher
has ney&;beefi:! obtained from the time of Bufton to the period of
Major. Long’s expedition f|it®^unexpl0'i;edt|egion it inhabits. rL’he
Specimen before us, which is a fine adult inale, w ^ s io t by Mr. Titian
Teale, omthe, twenty-fourth of Augu^ti.ofi^th®|!anadian fork of the
Arkansaw river.
Although, this bird'tlilAehyi different'from the Fork-tailed Flycatcher,
yet on account of the form of the tail, and the similax-ity of