severe weather of January 1855 on the great bogs in
the neighbourhood of Templemore, till they were frozen
hard, and I subsequently saw large flocks on various
parts of the east and west coasts of Ireland. The
present species averages considerably larger than the
Pink-footed, but the only constant external character
that distinguishes it from that bird is its greater comparative
length of bill. A difference in voice between
these two species of Goose is alluded to by Mr. H.
Saunders in his ‘ Manual,’ but certainly escaped my
notice in the days when a Wild Goose chase offered
invincible attractions for me, and I was able to indulge
my taste in that pursuit, although I could always distinguish
the differences of voice between the Grey Lag, the
White-fronted, and the present bird. The Bean-Goose
breeds in Northern Europe and Asia, and visits the
eastern portions of the Mediterranean during the winter.
It thrives well in a pinioned condition if allowed plenty
of room, but none of. those so kept at Lilford have ever,
to my knowledge, paired inter se, though a male of this
species has for two successive years mated with a
White-fronted Goose, and, at this time of wilting
(October 1893), two hybrids thus produced are in our
aviary; the elder of these, hatched in 1892, is a singularly
handsome bird, presenting the white forehead of
its female parent, with the brilliant orange legs and feet
of its father.