P U R P L E H E R O N .
Ardea purpurea, L inn-
Ardea purpurea, Linn. S. N. i. p. 236 (1766) ; Naum. ix.
p. 63 ; Macg. iv. p. 453 ; Hewitson, ii. p. 312 ; Yarr.
ed. 4, iv. p. 172; Dresser, vi. p. 217.
Héron pourpré, French ; Purpurreiher, Bergreiher, German
; Garza, Garza real, Spanish.
Many instances of the occurrence of this species in
our country have been recorded. I was present at the
capture of a young Purple Heron in the “ Broad ”
district of Norfolk in July 1862 ; but I do not know
that there is any authentic evidence of the nesting of
this Heron even in that most eminently suitable part of
England, or, indeed, elsewhere in the three kingdoms.
The Purple Heron is well known throughout the
Mediterranean countries as a summer visitor, and still
breeds in certain parts of France and also in Holland,
from which latter country I have very recently received
some young birds unable to fly, and with some of the
nursery filaments still adherent. This species migrates
in large flocks generally at a considerable height, and,
on its first arrival, may often be found in gardens and
corn-fields far away from the jungles of reeds and canes