W H IT E -E Y E D PO C H A R D .
Fuligula nyroca (Quid.).
Litho. W. Greve, Berlin-
Anas nyroca, Guldenstadt, Nov. Com. Petrop. xiv. p. 403
(1769); Naum. xii. p. 41.
Fuligula nyroca, Macg. v. p. 113; Yarr. ed. 4, iv. p. 418.
Fuligula leucophthalmos, Hewitson, ii. p. 425.
Nyroca ferruginea, Dresser, vi. p. 581.
Fuligule nyroca, French; Moor-Ente, Brand-Ente, German
; Negrete, Spanish.
This bird is an irregular and uncommon visitor to our
islands, in which it has hitherto not been known to
breed in a wild state. I have met with the White-eye
in various parts of Southern Europe and North Africa,
and discovered a nest containing eggs in Andalucia in
1872; this nest was placed amongst high rushes at a
short distance from a small freshwater lake, and was
composed of dry flags and rushes, and lined with
thick brownish down and a few white feathers.
I have seldom found this bird in large numbers
together. In habits it much resembles the Common
Pochard, but its flight is much more swift than that of
that species; it is remarkably tame aud fearless of man