SU R F -S C O T E R .
Anas perspicillata, Linn. S. N. i. p. 201 (1766); Naum. xii.
p. 140.
Oidemia perspicillata, Macg. v. p. 129.
CEdemia perspicillata, Yarr. ed. 4, iv. p. 481; Dresser, vi.
p. 669.
Macreuse a large bee, French; Brillen-Ente, German.
Of this irregular and uncommon North-American
visitor to our coasts, I know absolutely nothing from
personal observation, but, as many of my subscribers
ask me for notes to accompany my pictures, I trust
that my friend Mr. H. Saunders will pardon me for an
attempt to condense the information given by him in
the 4th ed. of ‘ Yarrell ’ as follows :—The home of this
Duck is in the northern regions of America, its summer
range extending to the shores of the Arctic Sea. It
nests in Newfoundland and in the Province of Quebec,
has been met with in Greenland, and occurs in winter
as far to the southward as Lower California on the
Pacific, and Florida on the Atlantic coast of N. America.
Audubon mentions the enormous number of this species