P U C R A,S I A X A N T H O S P I L A.
coverts black, with very broad bars -of rich chestnut, and conspicuously tipped with white. Bill black. Feet and tarsi dark lead-
Female.—Head mottled with brown and JjufF; throat and a spot on each side of the neck white ; these separated from each
other by a spot o f black, irregularly marked with buif. A broad collar round, the neck reddish, some of the 'feathers barred with
black. Upper part of the back greyish. brown, mottled with black, and the shafts white. Wings mottled with black and greyish,
lighter than the back,, and the white -central streaks broader and more conspicuous. Primaries, dark brown on their inner •ssgb,
buif on the outer. Breast reddish buif, quite of a rosy hue, with irregular longitudinal lines of bjack-; the ,edges of .the feathers
greyish. The centres of the flank-feathers more conspicuously; marked with white. Central*tail-feathers grey, irregularly barred with
black, and mottled on the edges with the same on a dark buff ground, tips white, The lateral feathers the same as those of the
male. Under tail-coverts also like those of the male? The head has a short brown crest, a few of the feathers black, with reddish
centres. Bill black. Feet and ¿tarsi flesh-colour.
The figures are life-size.