A R G U S G I G A N T E Ü S .
then a broad red band spotted minutely with white, running about two-thirds the length of the feather. Shaft orange a t base,
and deep blue for the remainder of the length. Secondaries exceedingly long, dark brown, thickly covered on the outer webs
next the shaft with ocellated spots yellow in the centre, then olive, and with an outer rim of black; from these eyes to' th e margin
of the feather run narrow blackish-brown diagonal lines. Inner webs covered with round blackish-brown spots surrounded with
very light-brown rings. Tips of secondaries dark reddish brown, spotted with white; the shafts white. Middle, tail-feathers very
long, greyish on inner webs, spotted with white, these spots surrounded with black; outer web black next tbe shaft,; chestnut on
remainder, spotted with white with black margins. Rest o f feathers chestnut, covered with white spots having black outer rims.
Bill horn-colour. Feet ilesh-colour.
Female similar to the male, but without the lengthened secondaries and middle tail-feathers. Her secondaries blackish, irregularly
marked with buff lines. Tail-feathers brown mottled with black.
The figure is half the natural size, with a male and female mhch reduced in the distance, the male in the act of displaying