L I S T O F S U B S C R IB E R S .
M arjoribanks, Sir Dudley C., Bart. Upper Bropke Street, London,
England. (Two copies.)
M arlborough, His Grace The Duke of, K.G. Blenheim Palace,
Oxfordshire, England.
M arshall, C. H., Esq. New York, -
M arshall, Capt. C. H. T. Bengal Staff Corps, Umritzar, Punjaub,
India. (Two copies.)
M°Cormick, C. H., Esq. New York.
M ilner, H. B . W., Esq. West Retford House, Retford, England.
M ostyn, Sir Pyers, Bart. Talacre, Rhyl, England.
N orthumberland, His Grace The Duke of. . Alnwick Castle,
O 'B rien, W. E. F., Esq. Belswood, Winchfield, Hants, England.
P arker, Capt. R. Townley. Cunden Hall, Lancashire, England.
P erkins, J ., Esq. Cambridge, England.
P ortland, His Grace The Duke o f. Welbeck Abbey, Nottinghamshire,
P rescott, Sir George, Bart. London, England.
R ipon, The Most Noble The Marquis of, K.G. Studley Royal,
Yorkshire, England.
Roosevelt, C. V. S., Esq. New York.
R oosevelt, Theo., Esq., New York.
Ross, Sir C. W. A. F., Bart. Balnagown Castle, Ross-shire,
R o thschild, Baron Alphonse de. Paris, France.
R oyal L ibrary, The. Madrid, Spain.
R ussell, Hon. E, S. London, England.
S a un ders, W., Esq. 7 Radnor Place, Hyde Park, London,
S e fton, The Right Hon. The Earl of. Croxteth Hall, Liverpool,
S haw, Robert, Esq. London, England.
S h e f f ie l d , The Right Hon. The Earl of. Sheffield Park, Sussex,
S helley, Capt. E. Upper Grosvenor Street, London, England.
S ingh, His Highness The Maharajah Duleep. Elveden HalM
Suffolk, England.
S kelmersdale, The Lord. Latham House, Lancashire, England.
S loan, Mrs. M. M. New York.
S mith, Sir Charles, Bart. Suttons, Romford, England.
S m ith, Oswald, Esq. London, England.
S outhwell, The Viscount, K.P. Castle Mattress, Co. Limerick,
S picer, J . W. Gooch, Esq. Spye Park, Wiltshire, England.
S tuart, R. L . , Esq. New York.
Sw inhoe , R., Esq., H. M. Consul, Ningpo, China.
T egetmeier, W. B., Esq. London, England.
T eyler’s S ociety, The. Haarlem, Holland.
T hompson, Joseph, Esq. Manchester, England.
T ura ti, Count Hercule. Milan, Italy.
Vekemans, J . P., Director of the Zoological Gardens. Antwerp,
Verreaux, J . P . Paris, France;
W a ld en, The Viscount, F.R.S., P.Z.S. Walden Cottage, Kent,
W alsingham, The Lord. Merton Hall, Norfolk, England.
W a rr en, F. R., Esq. Studley Park, Slough, England;
W olf, J ., Esq. London, England.
Zoological M u s e um of T u r in , The. Turiu, Italy.
Zoological S ociety of L ondon, The. London, England.
1> R K F A C E.
I n choosing a subject for a third Monograph, the Author was induced to select thé Phasianidæ, uot altogether
on account o f the extreme beauty and attractiveness of the birds composing the family, b u t influenced also by
their great practical value in contributing towards man’s support, as well as being objects th at adorn the grounds
surounding his abode. Like the Tetraoninæ, or Grouse, to the Monograph o f • which this work is a 'companion, the
Phasianidæ possess an interest for the people of many nations ; and their graceful forms and splendid plumage cannot
fail to draw the attention and please the eye of even the most indifferent observer. In the preparation o f the work,
every effort has been, made to render it as perfect and free from errors as possible, although doubtless some have
appeared in defiance of th e careful attention bestowed upon it. During the publication of this Monograph valuable
information has been received a t times from co-workers in the science; and it is with much gratification and
pleasure th a t th e Author desires to express his obligations to those gentlemen who have in any way aided him
in his labours.
In England, the Author would acknowledge his indebtedness to his friend Dr. Sclater, Secretary of the Zoological
Society of London, for affording him evèry facility in pursuing his investigations in the extensive library belonging
to the- Society, as well as among 'the living birds in the magnificent collection in the Regent’s Park ; and also to
R. B. Sharpe, Esq., the Librarian of the Society, well known in the ornithological world, for assistance (always most
cheerfully rendered) in the department under his charge.- To Osbert Salvin, Esq., II. E. Dresser, Esq., Dr. T. B.
Jerdon, E. Blyth, Esq., E . Holdsworth, Esq., G. R. Gray, Esq., and J . Gould, Esq., the Author desires to record his
obligations for assistance rendered at various periods ; also to Mr. A. D. Bartlett, Superintendent o f the Zoological
Society’s Gardens, for notes . of .the habits o f the species observed by him, when they were under his charge.
In France, Prof. Milne-Edwards and M. J . P. Verreaux have rendered every aid in their power, and given access
a t all times to the extensive collection of the birds of this family contained in the Paris M u seum . From M. 1 Abbé
A. David, the intrepid and successful explorer, much valuable information has been received regarding the geographical
distribution, and habits of the species observed by him in China. To Prof. II. Schlegel, a t L ey d en ,. th e Author
desires to express his thanks for every facility given him to pursue his studies in the splendid Museum of which
the Professor is the most competent chief, and also for permission to bring to London, to be figured for this work,