A kroyd, E.,: Esq. Bank Field, Halifax, England.
A msterdam, Societas Magistra Artis te. Amsterdam, Holland.
A rtillery I n stitution , The Royal. Woolwich, England.
A sher a nd C o., Messrs. Berlin, Prussia.
A stley, Col. Elsham Hall, Lincolnshire, England.
A stley, Mrs. London, England.
A ylesford, The Right Hon. The Earl o f . Packington Hall,
England. (Two copies. m H
B arclay, Hanbury, Esq. Church-Hill House, Birmingham, England.
B astard, Baldwin J . P., Esq. Kitley, Devonshire, England.
B eaufort, Count Leopold de. Brussels, Belgium.
B eaumont, A., Esq. Parkton Grove, England.
B engal, His Highness the Nawab Nazim o f. Moorshedabad,
B lodgett, W. T ., Esq. New York.
B lohm, F., Esq. Puërto Cabello, Venezuela.
B radford, The Right Hon. The Earl of. Weston Park, England.
B ranicki, Count Constantin. Paris, France.
B raybrooke, The Lord. Audley End, Essex, England.
B rooke, Sir Victor, Bart. Colebrooke, Ireland.
B uckley, Henry, Esq. Birmingham, England.
B uckley, T. E., Esq. Westwood House, Yorkshire, England.
Calcutta, The Indian Museum of. Calcutta, India.
Cambridge, The Library o f the University o f . Cambridge,
Castiglione, Count A. V. di. Florence, Italy.
C homley, A. J ., Esq. Howsham Hall, Yorkshire', England.
Cooper, Col. E. H. London, England.
Cornély, Mons. J . M. Château Beaujardin, Tours, France.
(Two copies.);
Crawfurd, W. S. Stirling, Esq. London, England.
Crowley, Philip, Esq. Waddon House, England.
C urzon, Hon. S. R. Upper Sheen House, London, England.
Czarnikow, C., Esq. London, England.
D artmouth, The Right Hon. The Eari of. Sandwell, Staffordshire,
D evonshire , His Grace The Duke of, K.G., F.R.S. Chatsworth,
D resser, H. E., Esq. The Firs, South Norwood, England.
D ublin, The Royal Society of. Dublin, Ireland.
D ulau a nd Co., Messrs. London, England.
D uras, Count A. d’Oultrement de. Brussels, Belgium.
D utton, Hon. Edward. St. James’s Place, London, England.
E dgar, N., Esq. New York.
F ail®, F. H., Esq. New York.
F almouth, The Viscount. Tregothnan, Mereworth Castle, England.
F ie ld s , James, Esq. Manchester, England.
F oster, F. G., Esq. New York. . .
F oster, J . P. G., E sq .' New York.
G odman, F. D u Cane, Esq. London, England.
G ray, G. R., Esq., F.R.S. &c. London, England.
Grosvenor, Lord Richard. London, England.
G urney, J ., Esq. Sprowston Hall, Norwich, England.
H ammelrath, Dr. T., Director of the Royal Zoological Society.
Brussels, Belgium.
H arcourt, Col. E. W. Stanton Harcourt, Oxon, England.
H artmann, James, Esq. Manchester, England.
H artopp, Sir John, Bart. Eaton Place, London, England.
H ays,. J ., Esq. New York.
H enley, W. T., Esq. London, England.
H ey, Major W. E. London, England.
H ill, The Viscount. Hawkstone, England. .
H odgson, C. B., Esq. Birmingham, England.
H untley, The Most Noble The Marquis of. Aboyne Castle,
H uth , Louis, Esq. London, England.
J ard in d e s P lantes, The Library of the Museum of the. Paris,
J ar-y, Major. Battlesden Park, Woburn, England.
J aucourt, The Count de. Manchester, England.
J enkins , H., Esq. London, England.
J e su p , M. K., Esq. New York.
K ino, A. M., Esq. London, England.
L ance, J . H., Esq. Temple, London, England.
L awrence, G. N., Esq. New York.
L ennox, James, Esq. New York.
L ilfor d , The Lord. Lilford Hall, Oundle, England.