P A Y O C R I S T A T U S .
on the ground as he crashes through the boughs, is by'n o means air unpleasant sight, to say nothing of being r veriy : pretty
I inadvertently "have given Ceylon as a habitat of Pavo muticus in my article upon. f f | t species. This is a mistake, as the bird
in question is not found upon that island, the P . cristatus being the only member o f the genus met with there.
Male.— Top of head blue; cheeks black; a narrow superciliary stripe and a broad,..one under the eye, • including ear-coverts,
white. Neck and underparts rich deep blue, with green reflections; hack métallic bronzy■ green,- each feather margined;i^ith
black. Primaries deep buff; secondaries blackish brown, with green and blue reflections; wing-coverts yellowish white, barred with
black. Tail dark brown, Upper tail-coverts exceedingly long, bronzy green, covered with large eye-spots black in the centre,
surrounded by emerald-green, this followed by bronzy brown, and margined with light g re en ; both webs of all the feathers very
loose and much split. . Bill horn-colour. Feet greyish.
Female. Top of head and back of neck reddish brown. . A white line from the bill over the eye; ear-coverts reddish brpwn.
A crest on the back of the head.; shafts bare of feathers, except tlie ends, which are rufous brown tipped with green. Throat
white. Lower part of neck rich metallic green, tipped with grey upon the breast..- Upper part light brown, vermiculated with
greyish white. Secondaries blackish brown, mottled with whitish brown. Primaries reddish brown. Feathers o f the rump very
long, extending to nearly the end the tail, blackish brown, mottled with greyish white. Bill dark brown on. upper mandible,,
yellowish on lower. Feet and tarsi light brown.