Genus 6. Aldisa Bergh.
Bergh 16, p. 348; 53, pp. 7—10; 54, pp. 5—7; G. 0. Sars 1, p. 305 and pi. 27; Yayssifere
2, pp. 27—30.
Dorsal surface tuberculate. Tentacles represented by small lumps. Branchiae
tripinnate. No labial armature. Radula with no central tooth but numerous side teeth,
which are erect, thin, not much hooked, and serrulate. In A. zetlandica the verge is
armed with spines; in the Mediterranean species, A. berghi Vayssi&re, it is unarmed.
1. A. zetlandica (A. & H.).
(.Pt. 8, PI. I, figs. 3, 4.)
Genus 7. Cadlina Bergh.
See Bergh 18, pp. 170-—180; 50, pp. 168—171.
Dorsal surface as a rule granulate or bearing small tubercles. Tentacles short,
broad, and flat. Foot broad. Labial cuticle armed with a plate or band composed of
minute hooks. The rhachis of the radula bears a median denticulate tooth; the lateral
teeth are hamate and denticulate. In most species (but not in G. clarse) the verge is
armed with rowrs of minute hooks.
G. repanda is the only species recorded from British waters, but it is not improbable
that G. glabra and G. clarse may also occur on our coasts. I t is also possible that when
better known they may prove to be varieties of G. repanda.
1. C. repanda (A. & H.).
(Pt. 3, Pam. 1, PI. 6.)
Perhaps = Doris Isevis L. and D. obvelata O. F. Müller, but it is difficult
to prove the identity.
[2. C. glabra (Friele & H ansen).
See Friele and Hansen 1, p. 70.
White with yellow branchise and rhinophores. Smooth. Radula 70 x
3. C. clarae von J hering.
See von Jhering, Mal. Blätter, ii Band, 1880, pp. 107—110; and Eliot 4,
pp. 44, 45.
White with dark brown rhinophores and branchise. Radula 70 x 23.1.23.
No armature found on verge.]
Branchise forming a dorsal tuft, but not retractile into a pocket. Two spermatothecas.
Radula broad; teeth uniform.
[Genus 1. Triopella G. O. Sars.
See G. 0. Sars 1, p. 310, p. 27, figs. 3 a—d.
This little-known genus was created by G. 0. Sars for an animal describe d by M.
Sars as Triopa incisa. The characters appear to be as follows:—
Mantle-margin ample, covering the sides and head, but interrupted behind. Oral
tentacles inconspicuous; rhinophores perfoliate and retractile. Branchiae a few small
non-retractile tufts, protected by appendages which close over them. Integuments full of
spicules. Dorsal surface bearing two ridges which converge in front, and a row of
clavate processes at the sides and round the head. Jaws are not. mentioned. Formula of
radula about 20.0.20. Side teeth all similar and hamate.
1. Triopella incisa (M. Sars).
White. Characters as for genus. Length 7 mm.]
Genus 2. iEgires L ovIsn.
See Loven, Ofvers. Vetensk.-Akademiens Forh., i, 1845, p. 49; and Ind. Mollusc., 1846, p. 6;
Bergh 20, pp. 23—32.
JEgires, not JEgirus, is Loven’s orthography.
Body rather stoutly built and tuberculate. Frontal veil and mantle-margin narrow
and marked with a line of tubercles. Oral tentacles small. Rhinophores not perfoliate,
provided with sheaths. Branchise few, tripinnate, protected by special lobes. Penis
armed with spines. The labial disc bears a ring of rods; behind this is a single upper
jaw as in Limax. Radula about 20.0.20. Teeth all similar, and simply hamate.
1. AEg. punctilucens (d’Orbigny).
(Pt. 4, Pam. 1, PI. 21.)
[2. .dSg. hispidus H esse.
Hesse, Journ. de Conchyl., 1873, p. 308.
Chiefly distinguished by its hispid and mobile tubercles. Frontal veil
bilobed : ground colour reddish : tubercles greyish; branchise whitish.]