T he following bibliography is an attempt to give a list of the books and papers
dealing with the Nudibranchiata of the Atlantic (including the Mediterranean and
Caribbean seas) which have been published since the completion of Alder and Hancock’s
Monograph in 1855. Works dealing with the fauna of other seas are not included, unless
they treat (as for instance do some papers on Californian Nudibranchs) of species which
are also found in the Atlantic or are closely allied to Atlantic species. I have included
the long series of descriptions published by the late Dr. R. Bergh under the title of
Malacologische Untersuchungen, for though they are nominally concerned with the
collection made by Semper in the Philippines, yet incidentally and sometimes in the most
unexpected places, they deal with Nudibranchs from all the seas of the globe.
Part YII of the Monograph (pp. xxv—xxviii) contains a bibliography of about
a hundred items published before 1855. I have not incorporated these in my list unless
they seem to be of special importance, and those who are interested in early records of
the British Fauna are referred to this earlier bibliography. But I have included all
Alder and Hancock’s own works, whatever the date, and also some early foreign works not
mentioned in the Monograph.
The works which are frequently cited in other parts of the text are marked with
a number, which is used in references. Thus Trinchese 1 means, not the first work by
Trinchese on the list, but that work which has the figure 1 in front of it.
A braham, P. S.
Revision of the Anthobranchiate Nudibranchiate Mollusca. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1877, pp.
A b ric , P.
Sur quelques variations expérimentales de coloration chez les Nudibranches. C.R. Soc. Biol,
lvii, 1904, pp. 5—7. '
Sur les nématoblastes et les nématocystes des Eolidiens. C.R. Soc! Biol, lvii, 1904, pp. 7—9.
Sur un nouveau Doridien de Wimereux. C.R. Soc. Biol, lvii, 1904, pp. 232—234.
Les cellules agglutinantes des Eolidiens. C.R. Ac. Soi. cxxxix, 1904, pp. 611—613.
A ld e r , J.
Observations on the Grenus Polycera of Cuvier, with descriptions of two new British species.
Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist, vi, 1841, pp. 337—342.
Note on Euplocamus, Triopa and Idalia. Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist, xv, 1845, pp. 262—264.
Catalogue of the Mollusca of Northumberland and Durham. Transact, of the Tyneside
Naturalists’ Field Club, i, 1848, p. 97.
1. Account of the British Nudibranchiata in Jeffreys’ British Conchology, 1879, vol. v, pp.
28—94. I t is stated on p. 27 that this part of the work is by Alder.
A lder , J., and H ancock, A .
Description of some new species of Nudibr. Mollusca found on the coast of Northumberland.
Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist, ix, 1842, pp. 31—36.
Notice of a British species of Calliopæa D’Orb, and of four new species of EoUs, with
observations on the development and structure of the Nudibr. Mollusca. Ann. & Mag.
Nat. Hist, xii, 1843, pp. 233—238.
A lder , J., and H ancock, A.—continued.
Description of a new Genus of Nudibr. Mollusca, with some new species of Eolis. Ann.
& Mag. Nat. Hist, xiii, 1844, pp. 161—166.
Report on the British Nudibr. Mollusca. Report of the British Association for the Advancement
of Science, 1844, pp. 24—29.
Remarks on the Genus Eolidina of M. de Quatrefages. Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist, xiv, 1844,
pp. 125—129. .
Description of Pterochilus, a new Genus of Nudibr. Mollusca, and a new species of Doris.
Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist, xiv, 1844, pp. 329—-331.
Notice of a new Genus and several new species of Nudibr. Mollusca. Ann. & Mag. Nat.
Hist, xvi, 1845, pp. 311—316.
Notices of some new and rare British species of naked Mollusca. Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist,
xviii, 1846, pp. 289-—294.
' Additions to the British species of Nudibr. Mollusca. Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 2, i,
1848, pp. 189—191.
3. On a proposed new order of Gasteropodous Mollusca. Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 2, i,
1848, pp. 401—415.
Description of two new species of Nudibr. Mollusca, one of them forming the type of a new
Genus. Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 2, viii, 1851, pp..'290— 302. (Thecacera, Oithona.)
Notice of some new species of British Nudibranchiata. Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 2, xiv,
1854, pp. 102—105.
A Monograph of the British Nudibranchiate Mollusca, parts i—vii, 1845—1855.
2. Description of a new Genus and some new species of naked Molluscs. Ann. & Mag. Nat.
Hist. ser. 3, x, 1862, pp. 261—265. (Grimora.)
A llman, G. J.
Note On a new Genus of Nudibr. Mollusca. Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist, xvii, 1846, pp. 1—5.
B alch, F. N.
List of marine Mollusca (including Gorambella depressa). , Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist,
xxix, 1901, pp.,149—153.
Rectification of the Nomenclature of the Nudibranchiata in Lermond’s “ Shells of Maine.”
Nautilus, xxiii, 1910, pp. 100—102.
B eaumont, W. I.
1. Fauna and Flora of Valencia Harbour, Ireland. Proc. Royal Irish Academy, 1900.
B ergh, R .
1. Anat. Unders. af Fiona atlantica. Vidensk. Medd. naturh. Foren. 1858.
Oontrib. to a monogr. of the genus Fiona. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1859.
2. Gampaspe pusilla. Naturh. Tidsskr. 1863.
3. Anatomiske Bidrag til Kundskab om JEolidierne. Danske Vidensk. Selsk.. Skr. 5te Raekke,
7d0 Bind. 1864.
4. Bidrag til en Monogr. af Pleurophyllidierne, I—II. Naturh. Tidsskr., 1866—1867.
5. Beiträge zur Kenntniss der Moll, des Sargassomeeres. Verhandlungen der k. k. zoologischbotanisch
Gesellschaft in Wien, 1871, pp. 1273—1308.
Untersuchung der Ghromodoris elegans und villafranca. Malakozool. Blätter, 1878, pp. 1—33.
Beiträge zur Kenntniss der HDolidiaden, 1874—1888. Verhandlungen der k. k. zoologischbotanisch
Gesellschaft in Wien.
6. I. 1874, pp. 1—32.
7. II. 1875, pp. 1—22.
8. III. 1876, pp. 635—658.
9. IV. 1877, pp. 737—764.
10. V. 1878, pp. 807—836.
11. VI. 1879, pp. 553—584.
12. VII. 1882, pp. 7—74.
13. VIII. 1885, pp. 1—60.
14. IX. 1888, pp. 673—706.