CuÉNOT, L. -
1. Contributions à la faune du bassin d’Arcachon. iii, Doridiens. Bull. Stat. Biol. Arcachon,
vii, 1904, pp. 1—22.
2. Contribution à la faune du bassin d’Arcachon. iv, Eolidiens. Bull. Stat. Biol. Arcachon,
ix, 1906, pp. 95—109.
Les Eolidiens empruntent leurs nématocystès aux Coelentérés dont ils se nourissent. C.R.
Soc. Biol, lvi, 1906, pp. 541-—543; Réunion Biol, de Nancy, 1906, pp. 59—-61.
L’origine des nématocystès des Eolidiens. Arch. Zool. expér. vi, no. 3, 1907, pp. 73—102.
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Pleurophyllidia lovéni, Journ. Mar. Biol. Assoc, ii, 1891, pp. 194—195. Abstr. in Journ. R.
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C uvier, G.
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Mém. sur le Genre Doris. Ann. du Mus. iv, 1804, pp. 447—473.
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Paris (4) xxxvi, 1906, pp. 39—45, 53—60, 73—77.
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E liot, C.
1. Notes on some British Nudibranchs. Journ.' Mar. Biblr Assoc., vol. vii, no. 3, 1906, pp.
2. Notes on two rare British Nudibranchs. Proc. Malac. Soc. Lond. 1905, pp. 239—243.
3. On the genus Gumanotus. Journ. Mar. Biol. Assoc, vol.-viii, no. 3, 1908.
4. Nudibranchiata from Cape Verde Islands. Proc. Malac. Soc. Lond. 1906, pp. 130—159.
5. Nudibranchs from New Zealand and the Falkland Islands. Proc. Malac. Soc. Lond. 1907,
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On the Doris planata of Alder & Hancock. Proc. Malac. Soc. Lond. 1904, pp. 180— 181.
Note on Geitodoris planata (A. & H.). Proc. Malac. Soc. Lond. 1905, pp. 186—187.
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E l h h ir s t , R.
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E ydoux and S oule ye t : see S oul eyet.
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1. The Nudibranchiate Molluscs of Ballynakill and Bofin Harbours, Co. Galway. Rep. Fish.
Ireland for 1901, pt. ii, 1903, pp. 123—132, pis. xviii—xix.
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F isc h e r , H.
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Note sur GalUopæa, d’Orb. Journ. de Conchyl. Tome xi, 1871, pp. 89—92.
Recherches anatomiques sur un mollusque Nudibranche appartenant au genre Gorambe
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Sur l’anatomie du Gorambe testucbinaria. C.R. Ac. Sci. cxii, 1891, pp. 304—307.
Sur le développement du foie chez les Nudibranches. C.R. Ac. Sei. cxii, 1891, pp. 1268—B
1270. Abstr. in Journ. R; Micr. Soc. 1891, p. 725.
Note sur le distribution du genre Gorambe. Journ. de Conchyl. xliii, 1896, pp. 235—236.
F r ie l e , M., and H an sen , G. A.
1. Bidr. til Kundsk. om de norske Nudibr. Christiana Vidsk. Selsk. Förh. 1875—1876,
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F r ie l e , H.
2. Mollusken der ersten Nordmeerfahrt des Fischereidampfers Michael Sars 1900 unter Leitung
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G amble, F . W .
Observations on two rare British Nudibranchs (Lomanotus genei, Vérany, and Hancockia
eudactylota, Gosse). Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist, ix, 1892, pp. 378—385 ; 1 pi.
G arstang, W.
Notes on the Structure and Habits of Jorunna johnstoni. Conchologist, ii, 1892, pp. 49—52.
On the relations of Hesse’s Doto uncinata to the genus Hancockia. Conchologist, ii, 1893,
pp. 110—112.
1. Report on Nudibr. Mollusca of Plymouth Sound. Journ. Mar. Biol. Assoc, vol. i, no. 2,
1889, pp. 173—198.
2. A complete list of the Opisthobranchiate Mollusca found at Plymouth, with further observations
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G a d z ik iew ic z , W .
Das plötzliche Auftreten einer vergleichweise grossen Zahl von Dorididæ cryptobranchiatæ
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Revis, of the families of Nudibr. Mollusca with the description of a new genus of Phyllidiadæ.
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