For the Sixty-first Year, 1904.
A Monograph of the British Desmidiacese. By W. and G. S. West. Yol. I. kxxvi + 224
' ’-j- 64 pp., 32 plates (28 coloured)." 8vo. 1904. (Price 25s. ne t; to Members 21s.)
The British Tunicata. By the late J oshua Alder and the late Albany Hancock. Edited by
J ohn H opkinson. Vol, I. With a History of the Work by Canon A. M. N orman. xvi +
146 + 42 pp., 20 plates (11 coloured),.and frontispiece. 8vo. 1905. (Price 12s. 6A.
ne t; to Members 10s. 6d.)
For the Sixty-second Yea/r, 1905.
A Monograph of the British Desmidiacese. By W. and G. S. W est. Vol. II. x + 206 +
64 pp., 32 plates (18 coloured):..: 8vo. 1905. (Price 25s. net; to Members 21s.)
The British Fresh-water Rhizopoda and Heliozoa. By J ames Cash, assisted by J ohn
H opkinson. Vol. I. The Rhizopoda, Part I. x + 150 + 32 pp., 16 plates (9
coloured). 8vo. 1905. (Price 12s. 6d. net; to Members 10s. 64) -
For the Sixty-third Year, 1906.
The British Tunicata. By the late J oshua Alder and the late Albany H ancock. Edited by
J ohn H opkinson. Vol. II. xxviii + 164 + 62 pp., 30 plates (23 coloured), and
frontispiece. 8vo. .1907. (Price 25s. ne t; to Members 21s.)
For the Sixty-fov/rth Year, 1907.
The British Annelids. By Prof. W. 0. McIntosh. Vol. II, Part I. viii + 232 + 46 pp., 22
plates (8 coloured« Folio. Ij808, (Price 25s. net; to Members 21s.)
For the Sixty-fifth Year, 1908.
A Monograph of the British Desmidiacese. By W . and G. S. W est. Vol. III. x v i + 274
||!t( :6 2 pp., 31 plates (14 coloured* 8vo. 1908. (Price 25s. net; to Members 21s.)
The British Freshwater Rhizopoda and Heliozoa. By the late J ames Cash, assisted by J ohn
H opkinson. Vol. II. The Rhizopoda, Part II. xviii + 166 -J. 34 pp., 16 plates
(10 coloured), and coloured frontispiece. 8vo. 1909. (Price 12s. 6d. net; to
Members 10s. 64)