value; and its defcent is eftablifhed in the mafter, as aforefaid:— but
yet the mother does not become Atn-JValtd to the mafter, as he is not
her aElual proprietor, although he proceeded upon a prefumptive proof
that he was fo; in the fame manner as a Magroor, who has carnal
connexion with a female flave, under the conception of her being his
property, where Ihe is not actually fuch.— What is here ftated relates
to a cafe where the Mokatib confirms the child’s parentage, and the
mafter’ s claim: but if he deny thefe, the child’s parentage cannot be
eftablilhed in the majier, according to what has been already obferved
concerning the necefiity of the Mokatib*s confirmation;— yet, i f the
mafter fhould, at any future period, become proprietor of the child*, the
defcent is then eftablilhed in him, becaufe the ground thereof (namely,
his former claim) ftill exifts, and the right of the Mokatib, which was
the obftacle, is annihilated.
* By the demife of the Mokatib, before the fulfilment of the contrail of Kitabat-, or, by
the contrail becoming null in confequence of a breach of it on the part of a Mokatib*.
h e d J t a
h E d m r a .
b o o k vr.
Of E I M A N, or VOWS .
El M A N is the plural t>f Yameen.— Yameen, in its primitive fenfe,
means Jirength or power-, alio the right hand:— in the language
o f the law it fignifies an obligation by means o f which the relblution
o f a vower is ftrengthened in the performance or the avoidance o f any
thing; and the man who fwears or vows is termed the Haliff, and
the thing fworn to or vowed the Mahloof-ali-hee.
Chap. I. Introduftory.
Chap. II. O f what conftitutes an Oath or Vow, and what does
not conftltute it.
Definition of
R r r i Chap.