however, with a decided greenish tinge, and the colour usually brightest and most intense towards the
bases o f the primaries; the tips of the tertiaries and later secondaries more or less untouched with this
colour, giving the effect of rather irregular ill-defined black or blackish tippings. The tail is dark brown,
margined everywhere, and both webs of the central and the outer webs o f the lateral feathers suffused with
a somewhat duller shade o f the wing-colour, varying as this does from bright golden olive to dull greenish
olive-yellow. The wing-lining varies: when the red descends far on the breast, it is chiefly ruddy olive-
brown ; but in others, which show less red on the breast and abdomen, it is a pure olive or olive-brown,
some few of the longest feathers being like the lower surface of the quills, a dark glossy, somewhat blackish
hair-brown; the edges of the wing are white, yellowish, or ruddy in patches, varying a good deal in
different specimens.”
The figures in the Plate represent a male and female of about the size of life; they have been drawn
from a pair of birds kindly lent me by Captain Wardlaw Ramsay.
[R. B. S.]