Iote.—As the arrangement of the Plates in the course of publication was impracticable, the Numbers hijre given will refer to th
when arranged, and the Plates may be quoted by them.
P late
1. Turdus fuscatus . . Clouded Thrush
P akt
D ate.
November 1852
w 0 § : ruScollis . . Red-throated Thrush | „
3. „ Gouldi . . Gould’s Thrush . . . XXV. March 1873.
4 . Merula unicolor . . ■ Affghan Thrush X. June 1858.
.5. castanea Chestnut-coloured Merula XI. May 1859.
6. ,, albocincta. . - "White-collared Merula É m v;-
7. „ Boulboul . Grey-winged Merula
8. Petrocincla erythrogastra Chestnut-bellied Rock-Thrush . XV. June 1863.
9. Spizixos canifrons . Crested Spizixos . . . XVIII. April 1866.
10. 1 » semitorques •Chinese Spizixos . . XVIII.
11. Ixus sinensis . - ■ . Chinese Bulbul . . . XXVI. August 1874.
12. Hypsipetes nigerrima Formosan Hypsipetes XVI. April 1864.
13. Phyllornis JavenSis Javanese Phyllornis. XIII. May 1861.
1 4 . „ Hardwicki Hardwick’s Phyllornis „
15. „ Hodgsoni Hodgson’s. Phyllornis „ „
. 16- „ Malabaricus . Malabar Phyllornis . . . „ » »
17. „ Jerdoni. Jerdon’s Phyllornis .
18. ,, cyanopogou , All-green Phyllornis ” 1
19. Irena cyanea . Malayan Fairy.Bluebird . XXXII. July 1880.
20. ■ „ criniger . Bornean Fairy Bluebird .
21. „ puella . . Indian Fairy Bluebird XXXIV. January 1883.
22. „ cyanogastra . Blue-mantled Fairy Bluebird . XXXIII. February 1882.
23. ,, melanochlamys Black-mantled Fairy Bluebird . |
24. Copsychus saularis Dial Bird- XV. June 1863.
25. „ Mindanensis Malaccan Dial Bird . » »
26. „ suavis . Chestnut-belied Dial Bird 1 1
27. Myiophoueus (Arrenga) Blighi Bligh’s Whistling Thrush XXVIII. July 1876.
28. ~ j,,;.; insularis . Formosan Whistling Thrush . XVI. April 1864.
29. Callene albiventris. White-bellied Callene XX. „ 1868.
30. Leioptila annectens Slender-billed Chat-Thrush XXXIV. January 1883.
31. Gonostqma semodium Himalayan Conostoma V. October 1853.
32. Sibia melanoleuca . . Black-and-white Sibia XXXIII. February 1882.
33. Pomatorbinus erythrocnemis . Red-kneed Pomatorhinus. XVI. April 1864.
34. Xiphoramphus superciliaris . Scimitar-bill . . . . IX. May 1857.
35. Trocbalopteron phoeniceum . Crimson-winged Trochalopteron XXIV. March 1872.
36. „ formosum Beautiful Trochalopteron ■ . V
37. „ affine Allied Thrush , XXVIII. July 1876.
38. „ variegatum . Variegated Thrush . „ „ . „
39. „ cineraceura . Cinereous Trochalopteron XXVII. March 1875.
40: „ virgatum . White-eyebrowed Trochalopteron | „
41. Blythii . Blyth’s Laughing Thrush XXVI. August 1874.
42. Elliotii . Elliot’s Trochalopteron . XXV. March 1873.
43. „ melanostigma. Tickell’s Laughing Thrush XXX III. February 1882.
44. Ianthocincla ocellata Ocellated Ianthocincla XXV. March 1873.