Webb’s Suthora.
Suthora Webbiana, G. R. Gray, in Proc. o f Zool. Soc. 1852.
A s in g l e specimen of this new bird graces the national collection a t the British Museum ; to which it was
presented by Mr. Webb, a gentleman who has been instrumental in introducing to our notice considerable
collections of birds and quadrupeds from the neighbourhood of Shanghai in China, in which district the
present species was collected. It is in every respect a typical Suthora, and far exceeds in size both S.
Nipalensis and S . fulmfrons; independently of size, it also differs from them in its more quiet and sombre
colouring. It was brought under the notice o f ornithologists at a late Meeting-of the Zoological Society of
London by Mr. George Robert Gray, who gave it the specific name of Webbiana, as a compliment to the
donor of this and many other interesting birds to the British Museum.
In order to give variety to the accompanying Plate, the bird has been figured in two positions.
Crown of the head and back of the neck sandy red, passing into the olive tint of the back and upper surface
generally; tail of the same colour, but o f a shade darker than the b a ck ; primaries strongly edged with
bright rufous; throat and breast light buff, washed with a rosy t in t ; abdomen inclined to olive; bill light
brown, washed with rosy pink ; legs either yellow or fleshy white.
The figures are of the natural size.