'S D n m t A . im V l l F M U S , J& dy*.
Fulvous-fronted Suthora.
Temnomis fulvifrons, Hodgs. Proc. of Zool. Soc., Part XIII. p.
Suthora fulvifrons, Blyth, Cat. of Birds in Mus. Asiat. Soc. Calcutta, p. 102.
On the accompanying Plate I have figured another of the rare and little-known birds o f the rich district of
Nepaul, of which no specimens occur in the continental collections, rich as most o f them are in Indian
productions. Elegant in all its proportions and cheerful in its colouring, this species has especial claims to
our notice, and it is very desirable that some information should be obtained as to its habits and economy.
The specimens in the British Museum collected by Mr. Hodgson offer but little difference, either in their
size or colouring; and we have yet to be informed by persons resident in the country, whether any difference
occurs in the colouring of the sexes, and for the procuring of what peculiar kind of food the singularly
truncate bill o f these birds is adapted.
General plumage rusty r e d ; ear-coverts grey, ’below which the cheeks are whitish; superciliary stripe
brown; primaries and apical half of the tail-feathers brownish black ; edges of the primaries, rump, upper
tail-coverts and base of the tail lively r e d ; bill vinous flesh with a dusky r id g e ; breast sandy red, passing
into grey on the belly; feet fleshy white.
The figures are of the natural size, on the Ceropegix pubescens.