Grey Noddy.
Amiis cinereiu, Gonld in Proc. of Zool. Soc., Part X I II. p. 104.
T h i s species is a native of the seas bordering the eastern and north-eastern coasts o f Australia, and
is said to breed on Norfolk Island. It is in every respect a true Anoiis, and, si) far as is known, has many
habits in common with those o f the other members of the genus.
Head, neck and all the under surface silvery greyish white; round the eye a narrow ring o f feathers, the
anterior half of which is deep black and the posterior half white; back, wings and tail light grey;
secondaries tipped with white; bill black; tarsi and toes brownish black; interdigital membrane yellowish.
The figures are of the natural size.