Fleshy-footed Petrel.
Puffinus cameipes, Gould in Proc. of Zool. Soc., P a rt X II. p. 57.—lb . in Ann. and Mag. of Nat. H ist., vol. xiii.
p. 365.
T h is species of Petrel flies over the seas bordering the southern and western coasts o f Australia, and resorts
among other places to the small islands off Cape Leeuwin for the purpose o f breeding ; it was here that
the specimens and eggs contained in my collection were procured. It differs from the Puffinus breoicaudus
in the greater length and in the more square form of its tail, and in the light or fleshy colouring o f its bill
and legs.
There is no difference in the colouring of the sexes, which may be thus described:—■
The whole of the plumage chocolate-black; bill fleshy white, the culmen and tips of the mandibles
brown ; legs, feet and interdigital membranes yellowish flesh-colour.
The figure is of the natural size.