Allied Petrel.
Puffimus assimilis, Gould in Proc. of Zool. Soc., P a rt V. p. 15 6 .—lb . in Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist., vol. xiii. p. 366.
Australis, Eyton.
A l l the specimens o f this species that I have seen were procured on Norfolk Island, where it is said to
breed; consequently the seas washing the eastern shores of Australia may be considered its native habitat;
it is evidently the representative of the Puffims obscurus o f Europe, which it so much resembles, and to
which it is so nearly allied, that assimilis appeared to me to be the most appropriate specific appellation
I could apply to it. On my homeward voyage I saw numerous examples flying off the north-eastern end
of New Zealand, and this I regret to say is all the information I have to communicate respecting it.
Crown of the head, all the upper surface, wings and tail sooty black; sides of the face, throat and all the
under surface white; bill dark horn-colour; tarsi and toes greenish yellow; webs yellowish orange.
The figure is of the natural size.