CHARADRIUS MONTANDS. Town. Jour. Acad. Seien. Vol. VII. p. 192. (1837.)
JäGIALETES MONTANUS. Bon. L ist. (1838.)
PODASOOYS MONTANUS. Coues. Proc. Acad. Nat. Seien. (1866), p. 96.
The' Rocky Mountain Plover was discovered by Mr. Townsend in the central table lands of the great range from which it takes
its name He procured a female only, which he sent to Mr. Audubon with the following account: “ This remarkable species, so
much allied to the Charadrius Wilsoni, was scarcely seen by us for more than one or two days, and then on the central table land of
the Rocky Mountains, in the plains near the last of the streams of the Platte, -pursued | our western and northern route. It being
the month of July when we saw it, there is little doubt but that it was breeding in this subalpine region.
“ The only individual shot was seen skulking and running through the wormwood bushes which so generally clothe those and
and dry wastes: After running some time, it would remain perfectly still, as if conscious of the difficulty of distinguishing it from
the color of the gray soil on which it stood. .
“ All that we saw were similar to the present individual, and none, however flushed, took to the wing. We do not recollect
hearing from it the slightest complaint or note of any kind, being intent probably on concealing its yonng or egg. by a perfect
furth „ information regarding the habile of this species has been obtained. My plate contain, rcpre.ent.tion. of the male
in full summer plumage, which has never before been given.
It may be described as follows:
The forehead white, separated from the dull olive of the head add neck by a black stripe. Upper parts brown, with some of
the feather, frcp.cntly tipped with rnfons. Upper tail-coverts pale brown. Primaries dark brown, their »hails white; ta l brown Upped
with white, with a snbterminal bar of brownish black, a white space on the outer webs of the primaries forming a white patch on the
yings. Entire under parts white, sometimes tinged with yellowish on .the breast. Bill black; legs yellow.
The figures are of the natural size.