PHALACROCORAX PEESPICILLATÜS. P all. Zoog. Rossp. Asiat. Vol. H p. 303.
GRACULÜSTERSPICILLATUS.' L awr. B. of N. Am. p. 877.—Goüld. Vöy. Sulp. p. 49, pl. XXXII.
This rare bird was described by Pallas in the publication referred to above. He says: “ Steller nowhere observed this species, except
on the unfortunate Behring’s ■ Island, where he iived after having been shipwrecked. They were very numerous, but never came to the
shores o f Kamtschatka. In size and plumpness they exceed the allied species, and since the flesh, of one would easily satisfy three
hungry men, they were a great comfort to the shipwrecked mariners. From the rings around the eyes, and the clown-like twistings of
the neck and head, it appeared quite a ludicrous bird. In habits it resembles the allied species.”
Gould, in the voyage of the Sulphur, says, “ it is allied to, but differs from, the Pelecanus Virile of L atham in its.much larger size,
and in the ornamental plumes being dispersed over the face and sides of the neck, instead of on the front of the latter only.”
There is no specimen o f this bird in any collection in this country, and the beautiful representation o f the species, here given, is the
result of Mr. Wolf’s wonderful skill. The drawing was made from the example in the British Museum, to the managers of which I am
greatly indebted for facilities afforded, at all times, to figure rare and unique birds for this work.