TTAT.onYPTP.NA MICROSOMA. Cooes. Rev. Procell. Proc.‘ Acad. Nat. Scien. (1864), p. 79.
This Petrel, one of the most delicate o f the family, is at once to be distinguished from all others by possessing a cuneate tail, and was procured
by Mr. Xantos, in May, 1861, at San José del Caba, Lower California. No other specimen has as yet been obtained, and therefore the type
from which my drawing was made is unique. I regret not to be able to give any account of its economy or habits.
The entire plumage is brownish black, darkest on the upper parts. The greater coverts and tertials are brownish gray. Primaries and tail
pure black, as are also the bill, feet and claws.
The figure is life size.
B O N A P A R T E ’ S P E T R E L .
PROCELLARIA MELANIA. Boot. Compt. Rend. (1854) vol. xxvii, p. 662.
CYMOCHOREA MELANIA. Coues. Proc. Acad. Nat. Scien. (1864), p. 76.
L ike the preceding species, this bird was also procured by Mr. Xantus, who obtained the only specimen as yet in any American Cabinet, at
Cape St. Lucas, Lower California. It was first described by Bonaparte, as above referred to, and placed in a new genus by Dr. Cooes, in his Review
of the Procellarid®. ; .
It is one of the largest of this division of the Petrels, and has the entire upper parts a deep brownish black, changing to a lighter hue on the
belly and under tail-coverts. Bill and feet black.
The figure is the size o f life,