G R A Y -H E A D E D F IN CH .
LINARIA GRISEINUCHA. Brandt. Orn. Ross. 1842.
LEUCOSTICTE GRISEINUCHA. Bonap. Consp. (1850), p. 537. Baird. B. of N. Am., p. 430.
LEUCOSTICTE GRISEOGENTS. Gould. Proc. Zool. Soc. (1843), p. 104. Ib. Voy. Sulphur (1844), Vol. I., p. 42, Plate XXII.
This rare bird was described over twenty years ago by Mr. Gould, in the “ Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London/'
and figured in the “Yoyagc of the Sulphur.” Nothing was recorded of its habits at that time, it being merely stated-that it came'
from -Russian America. It - has only lately been received in any Americau collection, one specimen having been obtained by the
naturalists connected with the Overland Telegraph‘Expedition at Sitka, and sent to the Smithsonian Institution. This example, through
the kindness o f the Secretaries of that Institution I have been enabled to represent upon the accompanying plate. I much regret
that nothing further is known of this handsome species than when it was first described.
Head-.gray; forehead and throat rich dark brown. . Wing coverts, upper and under tail coverts, flanks, and abdomen conspicuously
marked -with rosy-red. Primaries and tail feathers brown margined with red. Rest of plumage a rich umber-brown. Bill yellow,
feet black. The figures are life-size.