CARBO CINCINNATUS. Brandt. Bull. Sc. Ac. Imp. R e t. Vol. HI. (1837.) p. 55.
PHALACROCORAX CINCINNATUS. Bon. Consp. Av. Yol. IL (1855.) p. 168.HH). Compt. Rend. Vol. XLIL (1856.) p. 766.
GRACULUS CINCINNATUS, Gray. Gen. Birds. (1854.) Vol. HI.—Lawr. Pac. R. R. Report, p. .877 w ’d edit.
No specimen of this singularly marked Cormorant is in any collection of this country; the unique example from which the
accompanying plate was made being among the rarities of the British Museum. It is a strongly marked species, and differs materially
from all others known. It was first described by Brandt, and is stated as having been procured at Sitka, on our Northwest coast,
but we have no knowledge of its economy or habits. The ear-tufts will at once serve to distinguish it from its allies, and render it a
conspicuous object General plumage dark green; wings and their coverts, brown, each feather margined with green. Tail, black.
A line of brownish-white commences at the bill, goes over the eye, the feathers becoming greatly elongated at the back of the head,
and, curl upwards. Gular sac, yellow. Bill, horny, stout. Feet and tarsi black.
The figure is life-size.