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AMAZILIA XANTUSI. Lawk. Ann. Lyc. Nut Hist in N. Y. (1860).
HELIOPAEDICA CASTANEOOAUDA. Laws. Ann. Lyc. N a t Hist, in N. Y. (I860).
FELIOPiEDICA XANTUSI. Gould. Mon. Trochil.,- Yol. II., pi. 65.
This beautiful little creature was obtained by Mr. X an tu s during bis residence at Cape St. Lucas, and was one of the most
interesting of bis ornithological discoveries. It was described by Mr. Lawrence, one of our best Trochilidists, and named in honor
of the gentleman who has, by his investigations, added so many species to our, avi-fauna. Unfortunately, we have nothing to relate
concerning its economy or habits, as the bird is still rare in collections, and apparently no notes have been taken of its mode of life
by those who have been so fortunate as to meet with it in' its native haunts. This is to be much regretted, as everything relating to
such a brilliant, fairy-like bird would always be interesting and acceptable. This species, although closely allied to the H. Melanotis.
from Mexico and Guatemala, can readily be distinguished from it by several characteristics not necessary to enumerate here.
The male has the head black, with a white line extending backward from behind the eye. Upper parts grass green. Tail chestnut
red, with an edging of gold around the central feathers, but a narrow line of blackish on the ends of the lateral ones. Throat brilliant
green. Wings purplish ' brown. Sides and under wing coverts grass green. Abdomen, and under tail coverts, rufous. Bill flesh-color,
with the end black.
Female.—Crown ash, variegated with purple and green; over the eye a line o f rufous, terminating in white; below the eye,
and extending under the white line, is another .of brown. Upper plumage light green. Upper tail coverts edged with rufous. Tail
chestnut red, central feathers golden green; the lateral feathers have black spots on both webs near the ends, decreasing in size
towards the outermost ones. Under parts pale rufous ; vent white. Upper mandible black ; under, flesh-color for half its length, tip
The figures are life-size. Plant is the Cuphea Cordata.