fernal banquet. We talked coolly with him
on the subject; for as we could not prevent
what had taken place, we were resolved to
learn (if possible) the whole particulars. Atoi
at first tried to make us believe he knew
nothing about it, and that it was only a meal
for his slaves ; but we had ascertained it was
for himself and his favourite companions. After
various endeavours to conceal the fact, Atoi
frankly owned that he was only waiting till
the cooking was completed to partake of it.
He added, that, knowing the horror we Europeans
held these feasts in, the natives were
always most anxious to conceal them from
us, and he was very angry that it had come
to our knowledge; but, as he had acknowledged
the faet, he had no objection to talk
about it. He told us that human flesh required
a greater number of hours to cook
than any other; that if not done enough, it
was very tough, but when sufficiently cooked
it was as tender as paper. He held in his
hand a piece of paper, which he tore in illustration
of his remark. He said the flesh then
preparing would not be ready till next morning;
but one of his sisters whispered in my ear
that her brother was deceiving us, as they intended
feasting at sun-set.
We enquired why and how he had murdered
the poor girl. He replied, that running
away from him to her own relations was her
only crime. He then took us outside his
village, and showed us the post to which she
had been tied, and laughed to think how he
had cheated her:—“ For,” said he, « I told her
I only intended to give her a flogging; but t
fired, and shot her through the heart!” My
blood ran cold at this relation, and I looked
with feelings of horror at the savage while he
related it. Shall I be credited when I again
affirm, that he was not only a handsome young
man, but mild and genteel in his demeanour?
He was a man we had admitted to our table,
and was a general favourite with us all; and
the poor victim to his bloody cruelty was a
pretty girl of about sixteen years of age!
While listening to this frightful detail, we
felt sick almost to fainting. We left Atoi, and
again strolled towards the spot where this disgusting
mess was cooking. Not a native was
i 3