we could possibly land our boat in safety, I
apd two more swam on shore with bags tied
round our necks to hold the eggs in, and the
boat with one of the men lay ofl^ out of the
surf. I should think the ground occupied by
these birds (if I may be allowed so to call
them,) was at least a mile in circumference,
covered in every part with grasses and reeds,
which grew considerably higher than my head ;
and on every gentle ascent, beginning from
the beach, on all the large grey rocks, which
occasionally appeared above this grass, sat
perched groups of these strange and uncouthlooking
creatures ; 'but the noise which rose
up from beneath baffles all description ! As
our business lay with the noisy part of this
community, we quickly crept under the grass,
and commenced our plundering search, though
there needed none, so profuse was the quantity.
The scene altogether well merits a better description
than I can give,—thousands and
hundreds of thousands of these little two-
legged erect monsters hopping around us,
with voices very much resembling in tone
that of the human ; all opening their throats
together; so thickly clustered in groups that
it was almost impossible to place the foot
without despatching one of them. The shape
of the animal, their curious motions, and their
most extraordinary voices, made me fancy
myself in a kingdom of pigmies. The regularity
of their manners, their all sitting in
exact rows, resembling more the order of a
camp than a rookery of noisy birds, delighted
me. These creatures did not move away on
our approach, but only increased their noise,
so we were obliged to displace them forcibly
from their nests ; and this ejectment was not
produced without a considerable struggle on
their parts; and, being armed with a formidable
beak, it soon became a scene of
desperate warfare. We had to take particular
care to protect our hands and legs from their
attacks; and for this purpose each one had
provided himself with a short stout club.
The noise they continued to make during our
ramble through their territories the sailors
said was, “ cover ’em up, cover ’em up.”
And, however incredible it may appear, it is
nevertheless true, that I heard those words so
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