former, and, with some of my stock of small
shot, fired occasionally amongst them.
At about eight o’clock a light sea breeze
sprung u p : they then set their sail, and all
went to sleep, excepting one slave, who was
employed to steer the canoe; so that I had
ample time to ruminate upon my solitary and
perilous situation. The tide failed us at
twelve o’clock; and we then went on shore,
kindled a fire, and soon collected such a supply
of shell-fish as furnished us a splendid
repast. Here we remained till the flood-tide
set in strong ; when again hoisting our sail, we
arrived at the Kiddy Kiddy about sunset.
I here found the missionaries in the greatest
consternation and dismay; and learned that
it was one of the chiefs of E O Ke Angha
who had shot George, and they dreaded lest
the result of that deed should be, that the
whole of the savage tribes on that part of the
island would be opposed to each other; that
combats would ensue; and which side soever
might be victorious, it would prove equally
injurious to them, as they had settlements on
both sides of the island. But their greatest
alarm was occasioned by their possessions at
E O Ke Angha, as the most violent depredations
were there being committed; and as
this was the very point of my destination, the
news was not very consolatary to me. “ So
anxious,” said one of “ the brethren” to me,
“ were we to inform our Christian brethren of
our danger, that we actually gave a 'warm piece
to a native to carry a letter over to you, although
that is strictly contrary to our orders.”
I expressed a desire to know what he meant by
a warm piece: he kicked his foot against the
stock of a gun I had at the time in my hand;
and, looking at me with an expression of the
greatest contempt, said, “ It is what you
worldly folks call a musket! ” .
They were making considerable preparations
to repair to the great meeting of the
chiefs, to which Rivers was journeying. This
was a wise and politic measure for them to
pursue ; and they were highly delighted to
have such an addition to their party as this
well-known chief; and though they would
not acknowledge it, their satisfaction was
very visible. I earnestly requested them to
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