tions, there was a great difference of opinion
amongst them as to the propriety and utility
of adopting so strong a measure; and the
affair was finally put to the vote; when the
majority proved to be in favour of a strong-
resistance. I opposed the measure all I could;
for I felt convinced, that in the event of our
allies being worsted, we all should be involved
in one common massacre; whereas, if no resistance
was made, plunder alone would have
been the extent of the injury we should suffer:
and even of that taking place I had strong
doubts. However, as my opinion was overruled,
I had to submit, which I did unhesitatingly
; and, like a good soldier, I held
myself in readiness in case of an attack.
The proprietor and manager of the Dockyard
possessed certainly a “ satisfying reason”
for striving to defend himself at all hazards.
The vessel I had left here, on my former visit,
in frame, was now nearly completed, and a
most beautiful one she was. He told me he
would much rather part with life than see her
destroyed; and, I confess, I could fully enter
into his feelings on the subject; but as I had
no such object at stake, and was not quite
enthusiastic enough to fight for a vessel I had
no share in, I felt very much inclined to let
the natives war among themselves without interference
; but as we Europeans had agreed to
assist each other, I would not be behind-hand.
I discharged Rivers’s two slaves, and rewarded
them liberally for conducting me
with safety through such a wild and perilous
country : they departed (after expressing the
heartiest wishes for my reaching my own
home in safety, and thanks for my generosity)
to join their master at the great meeting of
the chiefs in the interior. These men, while
assisting me, were performing a great service
to their master, by acting as spies. When we
started from the Kiddy Kiddy each was armed
with a musket; but when we had accomplished
about half the journey, they concealed
these in a hollow tree, under pretence of extreme
fatigue. I felt convinced at the time
that was not their real reason for so doing;
and afterwards I learned the true motive.
Had they been found armed when returning to
their master (who was hostile to those assem