Their size is prodigious, one of them proving
a tolerable load. Upon skinning them, on
our return, we found they were covered with
a fine white fat, which I was told was excellent
for frying, and other culinary purposes;
and the flesh was quite as delicate, and could
scarcely be distinguished in flavour from lamb.
Besides our albatross, the dogs caught some
small birds, about the size of our partridge,
but their gait was something like that of the
penguin. The male is of a glossy black, with
a bright red, hard crest on the top of the
head. The hen is brown. They stand erect,
and have long yellow legs, with which they
run very fast; their wings are small and useless
for flying, but they are armed with sharp
spurs for defence, and also, I imagine, for
assisting them in climbing, as they are found
generally among the rocks. The name they
give this bird here, is simply “ cock,” its only
note being a noise very much resembling the
repetition of that word. Its flesh is plump,
fat, and excellent eating.
24th. — Feeling a great depression of spirits,
I persuaded one of the men (White) to
accompany me in an excursion to the hills*
to have a hunt after the goats. When we
were about half way over the plain, we discovered
some fresh hog’s dung, an evident
proof that one of these wild animals was in
the neighbourhood. These creatures being
rather more formidable than the game we
were in pursuit of, we had to be more circumspect,
and cautious in our approaches.
I put a new flint into my gun, and took
charge of it myself; White, who had hitherto
carried it for me, not understanding the use
of fire-arms. Our dog soon took the scent,
and followed to its den, which we were made
aware of, by his furious barking. The place
to which our dog led us was full of high
grass, higher than either of our heads; and
we heard the monster rustling it violently
about, and charging the dog; but not being
able to see where our enemy was, we were
both much intimidated; for myself I confess
I was greatly alarmed. I heard this creature
champing its tusks close to me, and yet it
was entirely concealed! I clambered up a
little eminence, and obtained a sight of the