was tabooed. We did as he desired us, but
beheld nothing particular, till he showed us,
in one of the trees, among the branches, a
large bunch of something, but we could not
make out what it was. This, he told us, was
the body of a chief, then undergoing the
process of decomposition, previous to interment,
which process is witnessed by men appointed
for that purpose, who alone are permitted
to approach the spot. The ground all
round is tabooed, so that, had it not been for
the interference of our young guide, we should
certainly have been placed in a most distressing
situation ; and it is a question if our
ignorance of their customs would have been
considered a sufficient excuse for our offence.
The top of this hill was level and square,
and was capable of containing several hundred
warriors. It was cut into slopes all round,
and fortified by stockades in every direction,
which rendered it impregnable. The natives
assured me its strength had been often tried.
The famous warrior Shunghie had attacked
it several times, but had always been defeated
with great loss. After inspecting this