E R I C A argentiflora.
ERICA, antheris muticis, inclusis: floribus horizoulaliter
CAULIS fruticosus, erectus, sesqnipedalis, ramis
FOLIA sena, linearía, ápice leviter inciirvata,
supra [•[.m;!, subtils sulcata.
FLORES horizontal iter vcrticillati propc ramorura
su in mi ta te m : corolla clávala, uncialis, Qris
lac in i is patentibus.
GERMEN tiarasforme, sulcatum, ad basin nectariis
mellíferis instructum.
Habitat ad Caput Bona' Spei.
Floret a niense Junii ad Oclobrem.
2. StarainaetPistillum,antherâ unâlenteauctâ.
3. Germen et Pistillum, stigmate lente aucto.
HEATU, with beardless tips, within the blossom :
flowers growing horizontally in whorls.
STEM shrubby, upright, a foot and half high :
branches simple.
LEAVES by sixes, linear, slightly turned inward
towards the end, flat on their upper surface, and
furrowed beneath.
FLOWERS grow horizontally in whorls near the
summit of the branches : blossom club-shaped,
an inch long : segments of the border spreading.
SEED-BUD turban-shaped, furrowed, and furnished
at the base with honey-bearing nectaries.
Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
Flowers from June till October.
1. The Empalement.
2. Cimes and Pointai, one tip magnified.
3. Seed-bud and Pointai, summit magnified.
THE (lowers of the Erica argentiflora are of a delicate transparent white, most difficult to imitate on a
white ground. Our drawing was made from a plant in the summer of IS 14 at the Hammersmith Nursery,
where it flowered with abundance of light graceful blossoms, that continued successively from
June till October. But the precise time of any of the Ericas flowering is quite indefinite. I have
frequently seen many species in full bloom in one collection, and out of (lower in others. Where they
are indigenous, their periods of inflorescence are no doubt much more determinable than they can ever
lie in such a versatile clime as Britain, under different mode of culture.