ERICA pedunculata.
ERICA, anthrris aristatis, inclusis: floribus terrainalibus:
peduneulis longissimis ; foliis sparsis,
GAULIS pcdalis et ultra : rarnis longis, divaricatis,
foliis vestitis.
FLORES, in umbellis terminalibus, cernui; pcduneulis
longissimis, rubris, lucidis : corolla globoso
campanulata, pallide purpurea.
Ci ERMEN tiaranormc, sulcatum.
Habitat ad Caput Boiioe Spei.
Floret a mense Martü in Julium.
1. Calyx.
•2. Antbera una lente aueta.
3. Germcn lente auetum.
HEATH, with bearded tips, within the blossom !
flowers terminal: footstalks very long: leaves
scattered, and hairy.
STEM a foot or more high : branches long,
straggling, and clothed with leaves.
" FLOWERS grow in terminal umbels, nodding :
footstalks very long, red, and shining: blossom
globularly bell-shaped, of a pale purple colour.
SEED-BID turban-shaped, and furrowed.
Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
Flowers from March till July.
1, The Empalement.
'2. One Tip magnified.
3. The Sred-bud magnified.
T „ f,„e .-ecu* of Erica w » introduced from the Cape of Good Hope to the garden, of G. Hibbert,
Z n t o . — of 1 80a. Our % u r e represent, about one half of the plan, . «h ^ - ;
,he wish to increase it caused it, destruction, a, more cutting, were taken from 1. .ban te high
l o J r l e n c e could endure; and although all po..ible care « taken to preserve the young plan. ,
not one of them survived the winter.